Chapter 7

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"Thanks again, for everything, Dream." Ink rubbed the back of his skull, smiling.

"Ah, it's really nothing! If you need anything else, just call." Dream replied.

Ink waved as they parted ways, Dream walking out the door, and Ink walking back in the house with PJ.

"Hey Daddy," PJ started, walking down the stairs, phone in hand, "can Fresh come over today?"

Ink shook. He hated even mentioning Fresh.

"Jammy, you know the rules..."

"Fresh isnt allowed in the house.." Ink and PJ stated at the same time, PJ's words shaky and mumbled.

Ink walked over to hig PJ from behind. He used this trick to check PaperJam's messages when he had his messages on. The messages where on a message string named 'Mr. Fresh.' It made shudder when he saw that name. He looked through the messages.

(Bold is PJ, non bold is Fresh)

'Mr. Fresh, I cant stop crying again..'

'Oh, need me to come over again?'


'Error again?'

'Yeah.. but I dont want it to be too much trouble for you..!'

'Oh, nah, it's no prob at all! Anything for you.'

'Ok... thanks. I doubt Daddy would let you come over, but I can ask.'

That was the latest message. Sure, some things shook Ink. But the thing that stung the most, was the word... 'again.'

Ink felt he had failed as a parent. He felt like he was no longer part of Jammy's family. He let go of the hug, turning PJ to look at him. Ink noticed the dark purple-black bags under his eye sockets. He really did look like he was crying for hours, and it looks like he was on the verge of crying again.

"Jammy... I... I can make one exception for you."

PJ's face didnt light up at all. The only emotion he showed was a weak smile, shakily looking up at Ink.

Ink watched PJ text something, probably just texting Fresh... or... 'Mr. Fresh...' that it was a yes.

~....Time Skip....~

About 10 min. later, Fresh came knocking at our door. Ink walked over and answered it, revealing an anxious Fresh. Fresh was 1 year older than PJ. PJ was 14, still innocent as hell, leaving Fresh to be 15. Fresh was a popular kid atschool, but PJ was lonley, sad, constantly mourning for interaction with others, and Fresh was always there for him.

"Weres PJ..?!" Fresh frantically urged.

"Upstairs in his room." Ink hesitated before letting Fresh inside. Fresh ran up the stairs, knocking gently on PJ's door when he got to it.

"PaperJam, you in there?" Fresh asked softly. Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing PJ's face, freshly wet with tears. His eyes still had tear drops forming at the edges.

"Jammy!" Fresh brought PJ into a hug, and he hugged back without hesitation.

'Jammy? Did Fresh just call my PJ Jammy?' Ink thought to himself. That was the only word he could hear before they closed the door behind them. Ink was left sitting on the couch, watching TV. 'I swear when Fresh is done, he wont ever be able so see Jammy again.'

~....Back at the room....~

"Jammy, I'm so sorry..." Fresh comforted PJ. "I know divorce is difficult. But, it's going to be ok.. shhh, it's ok Jam." PJ was sobbing onto Fresh's shoulder. Fresh was drawing circles on PJ's back with one hand, his other hand on PJ's skull.

"Jammy, look at me.." Fresh grabbed PJ's chin, softly turning his face til' PJ's eyes met his. "We are going to get through this, together."

"....b-but... Daddy doesnt let you inside the house... only.... o-only Father would let you into the house..!" PaperJam's last sentence brought him back into a sobbing state, he put his head back over Fresh's shoulder, hugging him. Fresh hugged back supportingly.

Fresh tried to change the subject, "Hey! Dont you have a soccer game tommorow?"

PJ nodded, making a yes sound, "Mhm.."

"I cant wait to see you win!" Fresh cheered. PJ blushed, his sobbing turning into soft sniffles. He always got flustered when Fresh watched him play, especially because he hated letting Fresh down. In fact, the only reason PJ tried to hard in any sport he played, was because he didnt only not want to let his team down, but he didnt want to let Fresh down.

"A-Aw... I-Im not... that good.." PJ rubbed the back of his skull.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Ink, his face, one you would never forget.

"KIDS. UNDER THE BED. NOW!" Ink screamed, urgently pushing PJ under the bed. Fresh crawled under the bed with him, and Ink followed.

"D-Daddy..! What's going on!" PJ whispered to Ink, hugging him tightly, holding back tears.

"Shhh." Ink covered PJ's mouth with his hand. Fresh was next to PJ, but he wasn't anywhere in elbows reach. He cuddled up in his knees and quietly sobbed, not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, 6 pairs of legs and feet dash into the room. PJ hugs Ink so tight, he almost made a groan. PJ sobbed as quietly as he could into Ink's shirt. Fresh sobbed louder than before. Ink almost felt... bad for Fresh. He didnt have anyone with him like PJ had me.

An arm wrapped around Fresh, as he looked up. Ink had his arm around Fresh, slowly dragging him into the hug. Fresh weakly smiled, lightly grabbing Ink's arm.

"Thanks..." Fresh whispered as quietly as he could. Ink put a finger over his mouth, signaling him to be quiet, but under his finger was a soft smile.


Sorry, I'm tired. I'm usually writing these right before bed -0-

PJ, in this, plays all sports. Basketball, soccer, volleyball (cus he gay af), and whatever else I come up with.

K, next update will probably, PROBABLY, be on Night and Dream. Idk for sure.
. -c .


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