Chapter Eight

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It barely takes any time for the metaphorical shit to hit the fan but before it does Spencer gets another weekend with Tony, this time in New York at the beginning of July. He puts them up in the Vanderbilt Fifth Ave Suite at The Ritz and Spencer has never seen anything this expensive before. It's so expensive and she knows it, can feel it in everything she touches and even the way it smells. And he watches her with this look on his face that, if she'd seen it, would tell her to run away. It's adoration and love. And she should be fleeing, getting as far away from that look. People that get close to her and her family....well they end up dead, her mother, Jessica....and Spencer vowed to never put anyone she cared for in that position. Not that she'll admit to caring for Tony, of course, she would never admit that she now looks forward to seeing him, that she wants to call him most moments of everyday and tells him about it, but she can't tell him, about any of it, and she won't tell anyone that not telling him about her life riddles her with guilt and pain. She's never had a problem lying to the men she sleeps with before, she has no idea why she does with Tony. On the third day they don't leave the bed until they have too, a text from Dean telling them that he and Sam are just around the corner and Spencer has to get up.


Outside the hotel Spencer pulls Tony closer and kisses him goodbye, he pulls back first and smirks caressing her jaw. She looks to the impala as it pulls up to the curb, and then turns back to Tony.

"Goodbye, Tony" she tells him and backs away. She knows this time, this time is to be the last time. She swears it to...well she would say god but she doesn't believe in him...or her. So she swears it to whoever is listening. She will never, ever, ever, sleep with Tony Stark again. Tony smirks watching Spencer walk to her brother's car, he pulls on his jacket, she glances back at him and he smirks and waves, she fights her own smile, she turns and climbs into the car. Tony's hand travels to his wrist, and finds his watch in place. Something uneasy settles in him.


And not a week later the fan is splattering that shit all over the Winchesters' lives. It starts with the death of Daniel Elkins. A hunter friend of their father who had in his possession a gun unlike any other, a gun that can kill any monster, the Colt. It's a weapon that tips the scales, gives them an edge against the yellow-eyed demon that killed their mother and broke their family. And then Meg. Meg is back and interfering in their plans. John leaves them again. Leaves them to take on the yellow-eyed demon whilst he delivers a fake Colt to Meg. It doesn't end well. He doesn't come back. And the demon bitch calls taunting John's children, so they hunt her down. And then John. Finding him tied up and watched by demons in some apartment block in Jefferson City. They rescue John and flee. Not only all of that but Spencer can't seem to keep any food down, she feels sick all the time, barely sleeps but is tired constantly. But she keeps it to herself, she always keeps it to herself, her brothers have enough to worry about without adding this in too. She puts it down to the stress of everything. Sam's visions, John's disappearance, the hunts, the demons, the crappy motel bed and heartburn from bad diner food.

John watches her now, the four of them set up in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, hiding out, all of them a little beaten and bloody and bruised and so very tired. Spencer closes her eyes taking a breath through her nose and pushing away another wave of nausea. He smirks a little. It goes unnoticed by his children. Sam grabs a canister of salt from his duffel and leaves the back room to douse the windows in the condiment.

"Spence" Dean states, she looks to him. "Help Sammy" he asks of her, she nods and grabs another canister following her brother, Dean sets himself up taking care of John.


In the next room Spencer pours the salt along a window sill across the room from Sam who glances to her. He's noticed she's been iffy the last few days, weeks, paler, sickly. He knows she hates things like that being pointed out, she hates other people seeing her as weak, and she's worked hard to prove she is just as strong as her brothers. She stops pouring the salt and stares at a patch of mould on the wall, swallowing thickly.

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