Chapter Seven

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Late May 2006: Dean helps Spencer walk back to their motel room, she's pretty bashed up from being thrown around by the daeva, Dean rubs her arm a little and smiles proudly at her, she did good on this hunt, all the information they got, was because of her. Sam carries their duffel with him as they make their way along the hallway.

"Why didn't you just leave that stuff in the car?" Dean asks.

"I said it before, and I'll say it again—better safe than sorry" Spencer answers, Dean leans her up, Sam takes her arm to stop her leaning over. Dean unlocks the door and they enter the room. They see the outline of a man standing by the window.

"Hey!" Dean snaps, Spencer turns on the light. The man turns around. It is John. Sam, Spencer and Dean are stunned.

"Dad?" Spencer asks.

"Hey, boys" John greets, Spencer hobbles towards John who moves to her, and they share a long, emotional hug. John holding her tightly to him. "Sweetheart" he greets her softly. Sam watches sadly as Dean moves towards them, John grabs Dean's shoulder over Spencer and squeezes. Spencer and John pull apart a few seconds later. "Hi, Sam"

"Hey, Dad" Sam and John do not hug, but look at each other. Sam places the bag full of weapons on the floor.

"Dad, it was a trap. I didn't know, I'm sorry" Dean is quick to explain.

"It's all right. I thought it might've been" John explains.

"Were you there?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I got there just in time to see the girl take the swan dive. She was the bad guy, right?"

"Yes, sir" Sam, Spencer and Dean state at the same time.

"Good. Well, it doesn't surprise me. It's tried to stop me before"

"The demon has?" Sam asks.

"It knows I'm close. It knows I'm gonna kill it. Not just exorcise it or send it back to hell—actually kill it"

"How?" Spencer asks John who brushes her hair back to look at a cut on her jaw. He makes a face and then smiles.

"I'm workin' on that" John answers.

"Let us come with you. We'll help" Sam starts, Spencer gives him a warning look.

"No, Sam" John argues. "Not yet. Just try to understand. This demon is a scary son of a bitch. I don't want you caught in a crossfire. I don't want you hurt"

"Dad, you don't have to worry about us" Sam argues.

"Of course I do. I'm your father" John pauses. "Listen, Sammy, last time we were together, we had one hell of a fight"

"Yes, sir"

"It's good to see you again. It's been a long time"

"Too long" Sam and John embrace, crying. A minute later, they pull apart. The four of them look around tearfully. Suddenly, the shadow demon attacks John. He is thrown into a set of cabinets and falls to the ground. Sam is also thrown.

"No!" Spencer shouts, she and Dean are thrown next.


Outside, Meg!Demon is watching the apartment. She looks at the building while holding a pendant around her neck, which features the Zoroastrian symbol.


Spencer, Sam, Dean and John are still being attacked by the shadow demon. They groan and scream in pain as they are flung around the room. Fresh scratches appear on their faces. Spencer makes her way to the bag of weapons on the floor. She removes a flare from the bag.

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