Chapter Thirty Seven

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Sam is on his knees and has drawn a triangle on the floor with symbols in every point and put candles outside every point. In the middle is a circle with a bowl of a green, dry substance in it. It is obvious that he is ignoring Spencer's decision to not summon Ruby.

"Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum" He hears a sound behind him and turns around but there's no one there. He turns back, looking up at the roof, sighing. "Et ad congregantum eos coram me" He takes up a box of matches and strikes one. He watches the flame for a beat and then throws the match into the bowl. The content ignites and fire flares up and then it calms down and burns out. Sam gets up off the floor and slowly turns to look behind him as the floor creaks. There's still nothing there.

"You know, phones work too" Sam turns back and sees Ruby leaning against the doorway. She smiles at him. "Hey, Sam. How's tricks?" Sam doesn't look happy to see her, instead, he looks angry.

"How do you get around so fast?" Sam asks her.

"I got the Super Bowl jet pack" She begins to walk towards him. "So. You called?"

"Did you know?"

"Um – gonna need a tiny bit more"

"About Spencer's deal. That Lilith holds the contract"

"Yes, I did" Ruby admits.

"And... what? You didn't think that was important?"

"You weren't ready"

"For what?"

"If I told you, you three yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces"

"Well, we're ready now" Sam argues and then takes a breath. "I want your knife" She looks at him for a beat and then begins walking around him, slowly.

"You're right about one thing. You are ready. And now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's down"

"Is that so?"

"She's on shore-leave. A little R&R" Ruby answers.

"The hell's that mean?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you?"

"We've got 'em"

"Good. Then she won't sense that you're coming" Sam turns around and looks at her as she's gotten behind his back while walking around him.

"So you'll give us the knife?"


"But you just said...."

"You wanna charge in with one little pigsticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window. Like getting Hitler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it" Sam clenches his jaw getting angry.

"Okay, then how?"

"I know how to save your sister, Sam"

"No, you don't! You told Dean you couldn't! You've been lying to me all along, so just give me your damn knife!"

"You're not the one I've been lying to"

"Oh, so you can save her?" Sam asks her.

"No. But you can"


"Sam, you've got some God-given talent. Well, not "God"-given but you get the gist"

"All that psychic crap? That's gone ever since Yellow-Eyes died" Ruby shakes her head.

"Not gone, dormant. And not just visions either. Why do you think Lilith is so scared of you?" Ruby asks him, playing him.

"Right... she's scared of me"

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