Please don't leave

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Rye's POV**
I need to get ready really quick Andy and I are going out soon and I haven't even done my hair. It's not fair, Andy looks great all the time! He wakes up and he looks great. I wake up and I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. I have to make an effort for Andy.
The boys don't know we are going out so I'm just going to leave them a note. They were all out, I can't really remember what they said because when they were telling me all I could think about we Andy. I had to tell him how I was feeling and what I did to Mikey, still feel really bad.
"Babes you ready?" Andy shouted trying to hold back a cough. "Yeah, let me just brush my hair." I frantically through in a shirt and began to do up the buttons. "O..." A huge cough came from him, "K" I could hear him trying to catch his breathe. "Are you sure you are able to go baby?" I really didn't want him to go, but I couldn't really stop him. "Yeah, Rye I'm fine!" The door flung open, "Hurry up!" Andy said, but I couldn't concentrate on the rest of what he said. I was too busy gazing at how amazing Andy looked. He was even more beautiful than normal. Wow, I'm lucky. "Rye are you listening to me?" His fingers snapped in front of my face as he was laughing. "What, where? Oh yeah let's go." I finally got out!

Andy's POV**
"Table for how many?" The waitress said in an inviting voice. "2" I mumbled back. "Follow me." Rye walked in front and I followed, when we got the table Rye pulled out my chair. I blushed slightly. We just sat there in silence for moments, but it felt like an eternity, starring at one another. It was interrupted by a rather aggressive waiter, "Do you want any drinks." He clearly didn't want to be at work! "Yes please, a Coke and..." Rye said. "A water." I added. The waiter just walked off.
When he returned he brought the drinks and slammed them on the table making them go everywhere, followed by the menus. I wasn't really hungry because I hadn't been feeling well all day but I couldn't let Rye know... It would ruin his night.

Rye's POV**
We ordered our food, so I went to the toilet. I felt so guilty whenever I left his side, I know I have to tell him tonight or the guilt would just build up and build up.
I could see a big crowd around our table at first I thought it was fans then I heard a women shout, "Call 999!" My whole life just flashed before my eyes. I ran straight at the crowd shouting and pushing my was through. Andy was in the floor, I got down beside him on one knee and picked him up. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks and landed on his cold grey forehead. I blocked out all of the other noise and broke down next to him. He can't leave...
~30 minutes later~
I sat next to him on the bed. I stared at him. Cold tears still came from my sobbing eyes. I was hoping he would move or cough or anything but nothing. At that moment the monitor went dead and made a horrible beeping noise. The green line didn't move. This was it.

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