I Jinxed It

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^ Picture is Maeve,
"PWOO"  the gun shot in the air as I pushed of my lunge. My legs flying swiftly and silently on the ground, passing one, two, three, others in the race.

"Go Number FOUR" I could her my older sister Lin shout. "YOU CAN DO IT BITCH"

I started to slow my pace when I reached the half way point as the others keep at full. Two boys had passed me but I could here their breath huff in my ear, and just as we were a hundred meters away I sped up to full pace and bolted to the ribbon.

As I crossed the line, Lin jumped from the bleachers to pick me up.


" You smell like onions." Lin speaks

"You're one to talk" I say. I loved track and field and was way to good at it . I was captain of my fencing team and Baseball team as well. I smelled like a locker room 80% of the time. I was a calm being despite , running, swimming, dancing, being active in general was my passion.

"Alright Winters, heres the plane tickets , you and one family get carry on bag and one possession."

"See you on Saturday then"

"CHICA, HOW DARE YOU WIN" my very Latina friend Valeria spoke as she, out of breath, comes from behind me and puts her elbow on my head and leans on me. She was tall and had very long legs. she 5'10 and me at 5'2  she could use me as support when standing.  We were both very good runners despite our hight difference.

"Anakin I have the higher ground" Valeria says leaning more on my head.

" you...UNDERESTIMATE MY POWWWWERR." I say going in for an armpit tickle, getting in our signature tickle battle, always ending on the ground laughing.

" Hey you too, you have another race in three days. You girls need to be gentle on your body." Lin said helping us up.

" HMPH! I never was gentle" 

" Thats what she said!" I whispered to Lin, only to be shoved. "WHAT!"

"Hey our plane is going to go over the Bermuda Triangle, Oh NO!" Valeria gasped .

" Thats all just fantasy, its no like were going into some kind of magical portal!" I scolded her.

or so I thought.

~mid flight, TRIGGER WARNING~

"Miss would you like some peanuts?"

"No thank you" I said for the eighteenth time

The lights on the plane suddenly shut off. The plane had shut down. Oh shit, I jinxed it.

" GUYS WAKE UP"   Valeria and Lin were in a panic, the air bags were over our heads and buckles pulled very tight as the pressure of the plane falling from such height took effect. suddenly it stopped, and our body struck with whiplash.

It took me a minute to focus. Part of the plane broke on the water from impact. Being next to the wing, I knew what to do. The flight attends were dead.  They were standing and the impact hit there heads. others were frantic and screaming. I unbuckled me seat belt and got my back pack. I took a knife and crawled over Valeria and Lin. I stabbed the widow until it was cracked enough to brake, I took my foot and smashed it out completely, fresh air was entering the plane, but the bottom half was also sinking due to a massive crack in the floor.

The conditions outside were unsavory , there was a storm in the ocean. I found the exit door and pulled it open.

"GET OUR THINGS" I yelled at them.  Putting on our vest, backpacks and carry-ons , we put ourselves into the ocean getting on top of our carry-ons, we floated and held hands so we didn't lose each other. we saw a peace of metal drift towards us and got on and then pulled our stuff on with us.

Ripping what little rope we had from the unused strings of our backpacks and whatever else we found, we tied ourselves and our things together and sat on the metal, our metal float going far away from the others.

The night went on and the water rougher, we almost fell off the raft however, we held on to the very sharp edged and cut our hands and arms, I the least.

When the waters calmed the others were damn near bleeding out. The night had turned today and back into night, the others were patched up but still bleeding, I was too. I grew tired, letting the sounds of the ocean lull me into sleep.

I woke up, the sky still night, but I noticed the taste of sand in my mouth and woke.

We were on land.

"Wake up!" I said to the others, pulling on our conjoined string, but only earning a mumble from Lin. I cut our ties with my knife. I pulled our raft into a near by forest, the cuts were deep in my hand by now.  It was cold and dark, but most importantly, we were soaked. I quickly made a fire, thank god for scouts. I took my clothes off and did the same to the others, putting them close to the fire.

after my underwear had dried enough, I decide to look for wood and plants to eat, maybe some people. I walked and found sticks taking them back and building more fire, sticking some into the ground and making racks for our clothes to dry. by the second time I went out I heard lots of noise coming form somewhere very distant. I grabbed my slightly larger pocket knife that was in my other bag and went on. I walked for a bit  until I saw smoke. PEOPLE!

I started yelling 'hello' to see if anyone was in the area. at lass no answer.

I carried on until I saw a small place with logs and found a bow an quiver with some arrows by some hay made targets, this was a shooting range of sorts I guess, people couldn't be to far... I then slipped on something, cutting my foot open.

The fuck? A Sword. Maybe I could heat it up and seal Valeria and Lins's wounds! I walked around to see if I could find anything else, then I felt pressure around the same foot I had cut.

It was in a animal trap.

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