No Farewells.

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The day after the sacrifice, the men were leaving on the boats.

"You have to promise me that you'll watch over her," Hvisker said hugging his dear friend, Maeve and looking at his brothers as his beloved was taking with his mother.

"I don't know if he'll come back with Herpes!" Valeria shoutedAsluag tilted her head, Valeria sighed.Asluag tilted her head.

"Why do you not go with my son?"Valeria looked at her friends.

"I can't-" she shook her head.

"Yes, you can.""I can't leave them."

"Did you ask?"


"Then ask." This was no longer her motherly friend Asluag, it was the queens' demand.

Maeve watched as her very tall, swearing-in Spanish, friend, came over to her."Maeve, I know we've been in this together from-"



"You want to go with Vits, no?" using her friends' pet name for him

"....Yes...." Maeve then took off the backpack she was wearing, opened it up, pulled Ivars shirt out from when she wore it three months ago, tied it around her waist and gave the backpack to Valeria.

"I had a feeling." Valeria nearly dropped the things, it was heavy.

"What's in it, bricks"

"Gun box, and key, ammo, cleaning supplies, flair gun, pepper spray, toothbrush, two seven packs of underwear, and a Halloween bag of candy.

"No pads? And what kind of underwear?"

"No, but the underwear is the washable period ones, and bikini."Valeria gave a high five to Maeve, she really did plan for everything, well, almost everything.

Hviserk came up behind Valeria."Is that my going away gift?"

"No, I am," Valeria said swinging the backpack over her shoulder.

"What?!" Hvitserk nearly screamed

"I am coming with you." Hvitserk picked up Valeria and spun her around.Meanwhile, Ivar looked at his beloved and wish he could do that same, that she could come with him.

"Vits me boy!" Maeve shouted kindly. "If anything, I mean anything happens to Valeria that she's not happy with, I will personally gut you like a frog!" She smiled at him and the hug him sweetly Hviserk knew the smile was bittersweet.

Maeve looked over at her sister who was talking to Bjorn and Torvi.Bjorn gave Lin a very manly arm hug to her sister. Bjorn and Torvi were the only people that Lin saw as friends. No, she didn't love him, Bjorn, on the other hand, might have liked her a little too much.

Torvi gave one her children to Lin, as she gave a goodbye to their father. Lin laughed, probably at how serious Torvi was. Maeve look at Ivar, who was still staring at her.

"This shit is stressful."

"No this is joyful!" He said objectively."I'm watching my best friends walk on a ship into the unknown, not knowing what's gonna happen, worst of all, I can't even call her!.... not like I could pay the international travel call fee anyway." Being a negative Nancy.

Ivar throws his hands up and smiles"The gods are with them!"Maeve narrowed her eyes

"Oh yeah, totally forgot, all my worries are away because that your gods are with them!"Ivar winced at the sarcasm.

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