Future into Past Pt.2

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As she got redressed, Ivar looked at the "Gun" on her thigh. Wondering what it was.

"What does the 'Goun' do?"

"'Gun', and the same thing as a bow and arrow, just a lot better."

Oh, so she could have killed him. Well, he almost killed her once, the debt is paid.

"How so?"

"I would show you but it would make a lot of noise."

She sat down after getting the underlayers of her dress back on and pulled out the small weapon and begun to take it apart and set it all out.

She looked in Ivars eyes and begun to put it together without looking at the pieces.

"How long could you do that."

"Two weeks ago, Lin made me learn."


"Because it's the best weapon to have, just in case."

Ivar nodded.

"Did you have it since you arrived?"

"No." There was a pause. "In fact, nothing in here was with us." She started to put everything back together." Stuff keeps showing up on your shore line. Boxes of different things, most likely fallen cargo, from ships. Mostly on days when there is a storm. Where do you think I go all day, I'm trying to make sure none of the people here get this." She held up a fully put together gun.

"Would it be so terrible if I had one?"

"Yes, this would cause mass devastation. This is hundreds of years of warfare in the making. It's so far ahead, even a couple of these would win battles."

"It can't possibly be that powerful." Ivar said smirking, wanting her to demonstrate how powerful it was.

She looked him in the eye.

"I know what game you're playing. I'm no fool."

She loaded the gun and put the safety on, she put it away on a holster she had made herself.

"Let's go, I'm sure the prince can't miss a sacrifice, especially when his mother is Aslaug."

He tilted his head. She was right. He couldn't buy more important he didn't want to.

"I guess you are right."

As they finished readying themselves, he noticed how much stuff she actually carried on her. She had a bag, pockets on her clothes, filled with things, A knife, a gun, and a coat(also had pockets).

"You carry a lot." Ivar said as they made their way back.

"I need a lot." She replied "you have no idea how anxious I am do you?" She said almost passive aggressively.

"I know that every night you wake up and wander the halls. Every morning you leave before anyone is up, and stay up late after the sun goes down." You would think he stalks her, but anyone who actually paid any attention could see the same. She didn't hide it.

"Right. I am in a place so vastly different from anywhere around my home, the people are different, I don't even speak the same language, and every time I accidently BLINK at the wrong person I feel my life is on the line. Let alone the amount of times I feel stalked by horny drunks. You really want to know why I have this?" She lifted her skirt to get the gun and aimed at a helpless tree trunk. She held in position of only a second or two and shot into the tree.

Ivar held his ears, it was very loud.

After the sound stopped echoing, he approached the tree, the hole where the little weapon had made was so deep in the tree he could not see it. He made a small ways to the other side and found the tiny bullet on the ground, without thinking he went to pick it up and it burned his hand slightly.

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