Ivar the Boneless

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^ Picture is Lin

"Did you hear something?" Margrethe said as she stopped kissing Ubbe.

"Only your moans" Ubbe said pulling her back into him.

They may have not heard, do to their deed, but Ivar did. A (very) in pain scream came from in the forest. He wanted to investigate, but that missing a chance at glancing at what he so desperately wanted. Intimacy.

As he crawled closer to what was the training area, he heard cries of pain and deep breathing, maybe an intruder tried to steal their things, he sat in the bushes and looked through.

There was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Her almost naked body sit before him. Only a small cloth covered her parts and some contraption covered her breasts. She on the ground, tears in her eye, as she was trying to pry the trap from her foot with a knife. Ivar crawled closer, making noise.

Her focus now on the noise, she looked at him. Her brown eyes studied him for mere seconds before she smiled. Even in the dark it was beautiful, she was beautiful

"Can, you, help, me?" she stretched her word. She was English, but sounded different at the same time.

He crawled over and grabbed the edges of the trap, pulling it off and braking the trap all together. She then embraced him. Without releasing it, Ivar was pushed into breast. He was guessing she didn't mean to, but he wasn't exactly complaining. This would be Interesting.

"Thank You! Can you understand me?" she said looking him in the eyes. She was unafraid, he wondered if she knew where she was. Maybe a spy meant to kill him and his people.

"Yes, you are English, no?" she gave him a strange look of confusion. she recognized his accent as Scandinavian, wondering how she could have possibly come across the vast ocean to here.

"Am I in Sweden?" she asked.

"You are in Kattegat." she knew it to be a viking city port from long ago, a place historians didn't know where it was exactly.

"Excuse me, what?" she said " No for real, where are we?"

"We are in Kattegat, English girl." he said smiling, seeing panic in her eyes. He thought it was due to the fact that she had released that he was a viking. Oh no. It was that she began to think that she had really gone through some magic portal. However, this guy could just be some psychopath.

"My name is Maeve, what is your name."

" Ivar the Boneless, where are you from, your accent is...different." she almost laughed, almost.

" Probably because I'm not European, I'm American." she said trying to use a tree to stand. Ivar could see that her foot was bleeding, and her ankle.

" What are you doing here, American." Ivar said ripping a piece of fabric from his shirt. He gestured for her to show her foot to him. She let him grab and mend it.

"My, uh, boat crashed, my family is badly injured, and I was looking for supplies and help. I pulled them to shore not too long ago, they are okay for now, but they will die if they go untreated." she looked at her now wrapped foot. " Thank you"

"So I assume you are naked because you didn't want to die of cold."

"Yeah, better naked, then dead. It's okay, I'm used to wearing little though, where I am from, it is hot, and we wear less than this, even . I'm not bothered by it, just fucking cold." she said walking and standing, testing her foot and rubbing her shoulders.

" I know where we can get fur, and help for your family, but you must be quiet. If the men see you like that, they will not be so kind." He said looking her up and down. He found her very tempting, he could have just done what he wanted while she was injured. But he didn't.

"Lead the way, Ivar" Oh how he liked how she said his name.

They walked and crawled side by side. He noticed how light her foot fall was, even with an injured foot, being tired, and the crunching of leaves. He studied her, she was walking on the balls of her feet, not using her whole foot.

"I know I do not walk myself, but compared to my people, you walk strangely."

"I'm trying to be quite like asked, minimal noise is accomplished by this." he nodded

As they got to the edge of the woods, she expected a city with lights, cars and more, but was meet with so such thing. She had to be dreaming. This place was village, a very old style village. There were to meany people dressed, and working for this to be some kind of joke. She stopped, and practically fell to the ground. she started to sweat.

"Fuck." she looked at Ivar. "You're really Ivar the fucking boneless? Son of Ragnar Lothbrok and Aslaug. Brother of- " She was cut off by a sword to her throat.

"How do you know this, woman." he said pressing the blade deeper into her skin. She thought about telling him. Dream or not she had to try.

"I know this is going to sound crazy. I'm from a thousand year and some in the future. 2018. My people have studied yours. You become a very famous viking."

Ivar thought about if she was lying or not. it would explain meany things. If she was telling the truth, maybe his mother or the seer could tell.

"Then I take you to my mother, if you are lying, I will kill you." he put his sword down.

They snuck into the viking palace. It made it easier that it was night, but drunk men still lurked, and Maeve knew that. The palace servants looked at her strangely as they made their way to Aslaugs chambers.

"MOTHER." Ivar shouted

"What is it Ivar, it is late, you should- Who is this." His mother got up and looked at the girl and her dress. "She is very pretty, why is she dressed as such? Do you wish to bed her?"

"No, I found her in the woods, She's claiming she is not from here or this time. I was wondering if you could see if she is a lier, or she is somehow not."

"What is your name?" she said in old Norse.

"She speaks English only Mother."

" What is your name, little one" Aslaug got closer and looked down on the small woman dressed in nothing undergarments of sorts. Her breasts were plump and her body healthy, my what a good breeder she could be for her son. She could sense the small girl's unease.

"My name Is Maeve, your majesty ." Aslaug laughed

"Call me Aslaug, is it true what my son tells me?"

" Yes ma'am"

"Your blood will tell the truth, may I cut your hand?" Asluag asked

" No need." she said lifting both hands showing the deep cuts from holding on to the metal raft.

Asluag took one hand and pressed down on the cut a little before it produced much blood. She took a blood soaked finger and put it in her mouth. She closed her eyes, and they twitched for a minute or two before returning open.

" Welcome to Kattegat, Time Traveler."

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