Chapter 5

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Dynorah's POV

I was just sitting down thinking about things when that bitch tried to go at me again that's when Aaron and Matt walked in and hold her back I was gonna attack to but Matt got me and pulled me back and was holding me really hard I couldn't get out if his grip so I stopped trying...but as soon as he let go of me I attacked her and once again I fucked her up.. This time Matt and Aaron couldn't get me off of her..I got up and started laughing ....Matt was just looking at her and had a weird look on his face so I walked up to him and asked him if he was okay and be looked at me and burst out laughing....I was confused because I didn't know why he was laughing but then I remembered why and we all started laughing....that girl was on the floor all bloody and fucked up... We left her there and left to the hotel where their staying at...we got to the hotel I went to the bathroom to clean the blood off mg hands that's when Matt opened the door and saw all the blood...he was surprised but he helped me clean the blood off my face he was really close to my face I could feel him breathing on me I also got close when Aaron and Crissy started making sex noises...

Crystal *POV*

Dynorah in the bathroom washing up and Matt went in to help her. Once he closed the door me and Aaron decided to start making sex noises for the hell of it bc Why not? I'm thinking they thought it was real because I hear whispers in there. All I heard was "What are they doing" "Seriously they just met" "What the fuck is happening out there" and more. They walked out and looked at us. Me and Aaron just started laughing. Dynorah broke the silence, "We thought YOU GUYS WERE BEING NASTY MIJA COCHINA!" I was laughing a lot and noticed Matt was too. We all got along well it was the bomb.


We were all hanging out. Since Me and Dino were gonna stay at a hotel (bc Cool👌✌️). Turns out we were at the same hotel they boys were at. We were all watching a movies when the rest of the boys walked in. Okay I fangirled in the bathroom. I WENT TO THE BATHROOM. After like 5 minutes I saw that Dino was having a decent conversation with them and I just fangirled. Done right now.

It was now 12am. "Dino can we go I'm tired"

"Crystal shut up I'm talking to Matt dammit!" She yelled at me. Rude. I went to say bye to the boys and when I got to Aaron he asked if he could walk me to the room so I said yeah. duh. We got to the room "Thanks for walking me. Dynorah still talking to Matt." He smiled, "No Problem." I was about to walk in when he kissed my cheek. AARON FUCKING CARPENTER KISSED MY CHEEK. I smiled and ran inside fangirling more. Can't wait for Dynorah & tomorrow.

Well we needed to update. It's late.

Night 😋💕 _Dynorah&Crystal👌

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