Chapter 8

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Dynorah POV

Once I saw that girl I had to know who she was. She had a look on her face like she was nervous but she looked really nervous.

"Guys this is Jenna." Carter told us all who she was. She had smirk on her face and looking at me and Matt. I asked Nash who she was but he didn't know. One of guys got up and said hi to her but she ignored him..that was rude. I heard her saying that was dating Carter. So she's with Carter but making those I want you eyes to Matt.

Crissy, Matt, and I went for a walk and talked about Jenna,

"I dont like her " I said to them. They both looked at me with the heck face. I knew they disagreed with me so I changed the subject.. Matt grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek of course I blushed like crazy. Crissy was just laughing at me of how stupid I looked Matt gave Crissy one of those killer looks. Then they both burst out laughing.(swag💁) I was confused but I didn't say anything.

We got back to the room finding Jenna and Carter making out. The boys were gone and I was thinking to myself how gross that was. Jenna and Carter got up and said hi. Once again Jenna was looking at Matt like she wanting to eat him. Matt was to busy talking to Carter to notice. I was giving her the killer look and of course she was also busy looking at Matt to notice but Crissy did notice and she took me to the kitchen to talk to me but I didn't listen.(ho3) All I heard was blah blah blah blah. The boys were back and that girl was giving the same look to all the guys. That slut I wanna rip her head off.(rude)

Crissy *POV*

So we just met Jenna. She's chill, I like her, but Dino doesn't you can see it. How DOESNT MATT NOTCIE TF MAN. Matt, Dino, and I went on a walk when all of a sudden Dino started talking, "I don't like her." Me and Matt just looked at her. Like what she's cool👌.

So she decided to change subjects. Matt kissed her cheek which make Dino blush like an idiot. I wonder where Aaron is. Tf come here ily:((. I started laughing at her though it was funny. While Matt gave me a death stare which made me laugh more causing him to laugh. All this and Dynorah was just looking at us confused as shit. Psh loner.

We got back and lucky to see Jenna and Carter eating each other's face off. How nice. No one was there but then and well now us. I could've been like 'Cartah stahp it' but no. I was there like you little nasty butts but I'm staying quiet today😁. We were just there until they stood up saying hi to us. Like FINALLY TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. We were talking when I noticed Dino basically killing Jenna with her eyes. I pulled her to the kitchen.

"Calm down okay. She isn't doing anything. I bet it's nothing so calm your shit." She ignored me I could tell. Oh well. We went back and I couldn't find Aaron. Like why aren't you here I miss you)):. I'm really starting to think he doesn't even like me.

Jenna P.O.V

I don't even like Matthew, I was messing with Dino. Don't get me wrong Matthew is hot, But he wasn't my type. I wonder why she was giving me a "I'm about to beat your ass" look. I shrugged.

"Hey Matthew are you and that girl a thing?" I ask Matt. He shrugs. What is that suppose to me I think to myself. Someone comes in and asks for Crissy. So I went to go get her.

"Hey Crissy some guy boy is asking for you" I say to her. She quickly runs and jumps on the boy. I laugh quietly at her.

"Carrrtttterrrrrrrr" I whine.

"What?" He asks smiling.

"I'm hungry, Can we go out?" I ask

"Sure babe" He says.

"Would you guys like something to eat?" I ask polietly.

We ended up going to DQ. I ordered a Oreo ice cream thingy (IDK WHAT THEY ARE CALLED). After all the orders me and Carter head back to the hotel and give the guys and girls their meals and I eat my ice cream quietly.

Okay so we have the Mystery girl. Jenna Loves me bc i put her in this ((:

Well this was from all of us c: _Crissy,Dino&Jenna

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