Revenge Is A Girl's Best Friend! Anya/Harmony's POV Ch 3

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This chapter is dedicated to all who read my story and commented, voted, and/or fanned. It is totally appreciated!

Thank you:

Jamilla- for reading, voting and commenting on my first story!

Diary-of jenny- for reading, voting, commenting, adding me to your Library and for fanning me!

Sanshazy- for reading, commenting and voting on my story and fanning me!

Revenge Is A Girl's Best Friend

Recap of where Chapter 2 left off:

Fifteen minutes later we were pulling into a parking spot and climbing out of Anya's 'pride and joy'. We grabbed our bags containing our sunblock, towels, and sarongs and headed to the beach. I already knew where to go because Ashe had given me directions on how to find him and Damon.

We were almost there when I noticed Anya wasn't saying anything which is rather unusual for her since she can't be quiet to save her life. I turned around and saw that she was staring at something, or was it someone? I followed her eyes to see what she was looking at and...

Chapter 3

Harmony's POV (cont'd)


Uh-oh! This is really not good. I guess coming to the beach today wasn't such a great idea after all. Garrett is sitting approximately 10 feet away from Ashe and Damon. Who is he hanging all over? None other than the very one he cheated on Anya with... Maris.

Hearing someone come up behind me I turned around to see Ashe making his way over to Anya. I started to tell him that now isn't a good time to say anything that might piss her off more but then I saw him wrap his arms around her waist. Hmmm...

Anya's POV


WTF!? This is just great! Garret, the two-timing a**hole and the slutty b*tch, Maris, just had to be here today. Furious, I turned around and started to leave knowing that Harmony would follow when she noticed I wasn't behind her anymore, when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. Again, wtf?!

"You don't want to leave," Ashe whispered quietly into my ear "because if you do they'll have won." His warm breath sent chills along my spine and goose-bumps formed on my arms. I expected him to let me go any second because we normally can't tolerate each other but instead he turned me around to face him and gazed into my violet eyes with his gorgeous silver ones. I felt myself start to drown in them until I remembered what a player he is. I drew in a shaky breath and stepped back.

"Keep your hands off of me, Ashe!" I said in a low furious voice. "I don't need your advice nor was I leaving! I was only going to my car to get my towel."

He raised his right eyebrow in disbelief and he gave that cocky, self-assured grin of his. "You mean the one that's poking out of your beach bag?"

I began to blush furiously at having been caught in my blatant lie. I should have said I needed to get my sunblock instead of the towel. Duh! What the hell was I thinking?

The answer? I wasn't! I always seem to say or do something stupid when I'm in his presence. Ugh! This has got to stop happening to me!! It always ends with me being embarrassed.

Ignoring him, I looked around until I spotted Damon and Harmony. She had stripped down to her pink bikini and was sitting on a blanket the guys must've brought, with Damon behind her putting sunblock on her shoulders and back.

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