Revenge Is A Girl's Best Friend Damon's POV Ch 12

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 Before you read please be aware that there are some explicit details and words in this chapter so if this offends you please do not read from the part where it says 'Explicit' til it says End Explicit!

Revenge Is A Girl's Best Friend!

Chapter 12


Damon's POV:


I finally pulled into our drive and drove the half mile home. I had a meeting to go to early so I could find out what my next mission would be in the upcoming month. I left out at five o'clock in the morning so I could make sure everything was secure for the meeting with my boss, Lily Reson. Most men would balk at having a female boss but I can safely say that she is the best at what she does. She finds out things that most men can't and never takes chances with her crew.

My parents would be upset if they knew what I actually do for a living. I have never told them and probably never will. I am truly surprised they have never asked any questions regarding my strange hours and disappearances for days, sometimes weeks at a time. They just believe I am out partying and that is the way I want to keep it. The less they know, the better.

Harmony would never want to be a part of my life if she knew the things I have done and will do still yet. Maybe it would be best if I just let her go. I love her but I can never tell her or I would get her hopes up about things that could never be possible. She's the marrying type and she deserves to be happy. I am in no position whatsoever to marry her or ever start a family. She deserves both.

It will absolutely kill me to let her go but I must. She will never be safe if she stays with me. There are too many dangers in my life. Maybe in a few years we can be together if she has not found anyone else and will have me but it is extremely hard getting out of the line of work I am in without serious repercussions.

By that, I mean that it is very difficult to replace the people in my crew. We are the best of the best and nearly impossible to take down because of it. There are no situations that we cannot get out of and no place we cannot infiltrate. We are practically unstoppable.

Right now, I am on a leave of absence because of the last job I did. Every time I think about it I get so damn sick to my stomach and want to kill someone all over again. Unfortunately, the culprits are already dead so I suppose I shall have to wait until my next mission. I smiled grimly to myself.

I thought back to that mission two months ago. My crew and I were supposed to infiltrate a building to get out any and all of the enslaved women and children that we could in an Istanbul factory which was run by sixteen men. We were to take the men as hostages or kill them depending on the situation inside.

We had made our way into the building after killing the guards on duty by slitting open their throats before they could sound an alarm. That was the easy part. It was what followed after that was so horrendous.

The building was divided into two sections which had smaller rooms with doors that had locks on the outside to keep the unwilling occupants in the rooms. Half my team went to one section while the half I led went to the other. There were twelve of us in all.


In the room I busted into were four female children. That was not the worst part not by a long shot. The worst part was the fact that they were all being raped by the four male occupants in the room with them. When the men had heard the door being kicked in they had tried to get up and find their weapons. Unfortunately for them I had a gun in each hand already and they knew there wasn't a chance in hell that they could grab for a weapon before I shot them.

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