Revenge Is A Girl's Best Friend! Anya's POV Ch 9

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A short memo just to let you all know that I am going to be doing this story mostly in Anya's POV from now on. After all, this is more about her seeking revenge on Ashe. I just wanted to let you all to get to know Harmony a bit. If you decide you want more of Harmony's POV than what I add in, please let me know and I will try my best to oblige you.

Revenge Is A Girl's Best Friend!

Chapter 9

Anya's POV  


I haven't seen Ashe since the day he found me at the hotel two weeks ago. He gave me one month to ascertain whether or not I am pregnant and apparently he meant exactly what he said. I must say that I am glad for the reprieve.

Mom and Dad are due back today. I woke up this morning looking forward to hearing about their trip but as I sat up to get out of bed, I felt a wave of nausea so intense that I rushed to the bathroom as quickly as I possibly could. Only to experience the most agonizing dry heaves imaginable! I hovered over the toilet bowl hoping and praying that I would just throw-up. I never wanted to vomit so much in my life as I did right then.

It's now an hour later and I am sitting on the edge of my tub waiting on the results of the pregnancy test to do it's thing. After all, I did mine by peeing on the damn stick! Why do these tests always take so damn long to give results? I think it's because the companies who make them want you to spend the longest minutes of your life in complete suspense. It's really cruel if you think about it. They have thirty seconds or less thermometers so why can't they have thirty seconds or less pregnancy test results? One minute is too damned long if you consider the fact that pregnancy is life altering.

Standing up, I walked over to the counter where I had put the stick and picked it up. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath all the while hoping that it's negative and then glanced at the stick. I felt so many emotions flow through me as I stared at it- disappointment, anger and finally disbelief.

What the hell?! Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Do you want to know why? Let me tell you- I forgot to take the damn cap off of the tip, that's why! Apparently, I was so damn nervous that I forgot that one major detail! I assume the pee in the cup that I had put on the floor is ok so I took the cap off (this time), stuck the stick into the pee, put the cap back on and returned the stick to the counter. Great! Another minute of torture! I thought with sarcasm.

I don't want to be pregnant. Don't get me wrong. I like kids... when they belong to other people and I can hand them back. Dirty diapers, spit up, feedings, late nights, etc... those aren't my things, you know? Not only would I have to contend with all of that but Ashe would try to force the issue with marriage and I just don't want to have to deal with that. He's the most gorgeous I know, besides Damon, but marriage to him would be impossible. He's just so damn serious all the time! He nearly had a fit the time the fire department came out to my house. He hadn't been home at the time but when he heard about the 'incident' he came over and we argued. He said one of these days I was going to get hurt or worse because of my pranks and I called him an old man who is no fun. We avoided each other for a while- ok the truth is I avoided him and was fine not seeing him again until the day at the beach. I could have cheerfully strangled Harmony when she set me up with him for the night and now look, I'm now having to wait on the result of a pregnancy test that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gone out with him that night.

This time, I got up and walked determinedly over to the counter. Picking up the stick which just has to be negative I looked down and felt my heart drop to my feet. Positive. Oh. Shit!

Ashe's face flashed into my mind as I thought back to that morning at the hotel. I have never, ever seen him so dead set about anything as when he stated that we would be married if I was pregnant in a month's time. I still remember his beautiful eyes blazing down into my violet ones with such a look of possession that I felt a frisson of electricity run through my body. No way can it be sexual attraction so it has to be fear. Right?

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