Chapter 4: Jonathan

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Jonathan stood on the open area in front of the school, his arms outstretched. His eyes darted around as he managed four flaming circles that acted as landing signals for the new arrivals. He controlled the flames to turn a violet-blue, and the group hovering above moved down to land inside. It turned orange, and he opened a portion for them to exit through. There were two other Mancers with him to lighten the load, and they worked efficiently.

As one group began landing, however, another group cut in and landed quickly. Jonathan quickly looked to find the identity of the Mancer responsible. When he recognised them, he sighed.


The group who Jeoff had cut in front of moved to a different circle and after that small hiccup the flow resumed. Jonathan noticed Jeoff heading towards him and quickly tried to look as busy as he felt.

"Ah, Jonathan! Hard at work as always." Jeoff's grating voice sounded different today. A bit more forced happiness than usual. Jonathan also noted he seemed tired. Too much work for a weak Mancer to handle.

"What can I do for you?"

"I have some important information. I know you're close to the Headmaster so..."

"Spit it out, Jeoff. I'm very busy."

"I have the unique Flame. I think you might've seen the application form?"
Jonathan nodded. A Black Flame. On the form it said her name was Kiara. Only Headmaster Silas and he knew about it, as well as Jeoff of course.

"Which one is she?"

Once students had landed, they delivered their luggage into the foyer, signed in, and filed into the auditorium. Many stopped to look up at the marble statue of Khaldato Inverell, the founder of the academy, and read the plaque at its base. Jonathan smiled as he watched them look up at the statue with curiosity.

In the auditorium, a White Mancer maintained the small, hovering lights around the room and the major spotlight on the closed curtains of the stage. He rested his head unprofessionally on his hand. Jonathan wished he'd have more respect for the event. The rest of the students sat and a man in a neat white coat with curling gold embroidery moved to stand in the spotlight.

Jonathan held Headmaster Silas in high esteem. The voice of the man oozed charm, and silenced any room. He was a leader, and it was reflected in every aspect of him, including his handsomely trimmed dark brown facial and head hair. His icy blue eyes pierced the souls of those they met. Jonathan smiled to himself as everyone in the room appeared to awe the Headmaster as much as he did.

"Welcome, everyone! I am High Gold Mancer Silas Thorpe! I see a lot of excited faces out there this year!" The spotlight that had set the High Mancer's clothes aglow split into two and one went roaming around the crowd.

"For those who received a navy blue, white, pink or purple Flame, congratulations! For those who received a red, blue, yellow or green Flame, fear not! There is use for you yet! For those who produced a grey Flame, do not be disheartened.

"Now, there's a few important rules. Don't worry, I'll be prompt. One, no using Mancing offensively outside of teacher supervision. Two, no slacking off. You are here to learn and only to learn. For those who are unsure about dedicating yourselves, I suggest rethinking your position here. Three, follow all teacher instructions. Thank you, and have a wonderful time here at Inverell Academy! He raised his arms and fire zoomed around the room, followed by sparkling stars made of light.

As the students filed out Jonathan remembered his business here. He saw the student Jeoff had pointed out before, the girl called Kiara. The Black Flame.

He tapped her shoulder as she passed, causing her to turn around and upon realising the situation, step out of the current.

Kiara made a "Hm?" noise.

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