End Act 1

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Act One of Shifting Flames has come to an end, and what an end it is! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger guys, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Honestly, I've never been this productive with my work... ever. My Google Drive is filled with unfinished scraps and ideas. I have several notebooks stuffed with random thoughts (and I haven't even filled those... my goodness)

I am really appreciative I have found my rhythm and structure. An issue I had with the previous novel was that I had to keep switching to strangers who weren't important to the story just so I could fill you guys in. (See: Bianca) Now, with these Acts, I can go back to Tess and go through these characters again. Trust me, everyone here plays a part in what is to come ;)

As my school life starts picking up with tests, assignments and whatnot, I'll be pausing the uploads of new chapters and instead focusing on polishing the parts already up. There are some minor changes and details that need to be added in. (Character appearances for example. Whoops!)

I'm not really one for writing long paragraphs talking about myself... but if you have any questions, feedback or just wanna say hi, drop a comment!

And as always, 

May Your Mancing Never Fail!

Shifting Flames {Book 1 of the Black Mancer Series}Where stories live. Discover now