Chapter 6: Sebastian

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A/N: For those who have read this chapter already, this has been massively changed. Enough that it is worth reading this again. May Your Mancing Never Fail!

Sebastian sat at the table on the raised dais with the King, Queen and at the opposite end, High Gold Mancer Silas. Silas met his gaze and straightened. Sebastian realised he was slouching, so he adjusted himself and called for a servant to push him closer to the table. A Prince scooting his chair across the floor would make a mockery of the entire Royal family. So would a slouching Prince.

He looked down over the Court of lords and ladies who had gathered in the Great Hall for this occasion. They chatted politely, a sweet perfume masking their foul plots. Even the young girls who looked his way- his potential suitors- were playing for power. They acted completely differently in a group than how they acted alone with him.

His scanning eyes finally found who he was looking for. Lawrence Holt, son of Lord and Lady Holt. Best friend of the Prince.

Lawrence seemed to notice his gaze and smiled at him. But only Sebastian noticed the slight eyebrow raise and pull of the lip that suggested his current conversation was not enjoyable. Sebastian subtly smirked back. He'd been there before- too often.

Finally, the Queen rose, tapping a spoon against her gold-rimmed crystal goblet. Those in attendance immediately fell quiet. It was the moment everyone had been waiting for: Sebastian's Inquisition and Coronation.

On Inquisition Day, tradition stated that a potential prince or princess would be tested for their power, evidence of blood purity, and to display to the masses the right to rule. It dissuaded those who wished to overthrow the Royal Family and strengthened the respect for them too. Eventually, he would father a daughter or son with the same power. It was his duty to his people.

"We will now commence the Inquisition of Prince Sebastian." The Queen said, and everyone in the room stood. High Gold Mancer Silas looked to Sebastian, giving the cue. They walked around the table to stand before the Queen and King. A servant came forward with a black velvet pillow. Nestled on top was a metal orb, intricately carved with layered bands that latticed its surface. A swirling symbol was indented in these layers, revealing a solid core.

Silas bowed his head to the servant, took the orb, and stood in front of Sebastian. The man towered over the teenage boy, blocking the view of the crowd below. Sebastian was tall, but he only came up to the shoulders of the bear-like Silas. As he looked up, the High Gold Mancer gave him a slight nod of encouragement, before placing the metal ball on the Prince's forehead.

The symbol glowed, shining on Silas' face. The sunflower gold flame sparkled off his Mancer robes as it rose, coming to a stop a mere hands-length above the Prince. Sebastian looked up at it, and when he looked down, he saw that Silas had moved to stand behind him.

"I present to you, Gold Flame Sebastian." He announced. The audience clapped politely. Silas retreated and the King stepped forward. The King crowned the Princes, and the Queen crowned the Princesses. Such was the way it had always been. Another servant came forward with a black velvet pillow and a small golden circlet on top. The King took the crown and stood before Sebastian. He wasn't as large as Silas, so Sebastian came up to his father's nose. The King's face was set in hard lines, and he didn't make eye contact. Sebastian matched his serious expression. This was an important ceremony. It was what he was born for. His entire life had been leading to this moment. In the books he read when he was younger, the Prince was either crowned and married a beautiful girl, or he ran away to escape his life. His parents told him the stories were unrealistic and promoted desertion- he was on the throne to serve his people. And then they took the books away.

"Do you swear to uphold your responsibilities as Prince, to guide your people with a just hand and wise counsel?" The King asked.

"I do."

The circlet was placed on his head, and then the King moved around to stand behind his son. "I present to you, Crown Prince Sebastian."

The audience clapped again, then the band resumed and Sebastian returned to his seat confused and dejected. Was that it? Did anybody even care he was a Gold Flame? Sure, it was expected of him, but that didn't mean it was any less special.

He sought out Lawrence in the crowd, who was beaming at him and giving a secret thumbs-up. All the other faces were turned away, resuming the conversation that had been halted previously. Sebastian sighed. He wouldn't be able to talk to Lawrence until the ball was done, and that seemed to be a long time coming, now that the song had changed and people get up to dance.

Crown Prince Sebastian straightened his posture, and prepared himself. No matter how much he disliked them, he had responsibilities to uphold. Life is not a fantasy.

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