Chapter 3: Jeoff

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Jeoff left the Jackrabbit Inn and the Bradshaw family behind with a lot on his mind and a lot to do.

He collected all the forms from the residents of Gilstead and the surrounding area, and flew all the way to Inverell Academy. It was the same as always, a large, square three-story building with two small metal buildings off to the east side that looked like closed horse shelters. The main building had a wooden facade, which was stained a dark brown, making it look more like a house than a school. Adding to this appearance, the top two floors had small balconies at each window- a ridiculous luxury for a school, especially since the second floor held the student's dorms. They were children! What were they going to do with balconies?

Behind the academy from where Jeoff was facing, there was a dirt area where students trained with weapons, in case they ever needed to use them. The whole school looked like someone had just dropped it there in the middle of the open grasslands and built a wall around it.

Jeoff descended to the grass outside the grounds of the academy. For all its homely appearance, there was a solid stone wall surrounding the entire place and entering from above was impossible, since Mancers powered an Air Mancing forcefield around it at all times. Some of those Mancers stood by the gates, and with one dismissive glance at Jeoff, waved him in. As he passed, he heard a man hawk, and felt a glob of spit hit the back of his neck and seep down his coat. Jeoff shuddered slightly, but continued on. Why did everyone hate him? Was it because he was a Grey Mancer? Or was it something he wasn't aware of?

He entered and moved up to the third floor, where other Mancers hired for Inqiusition Day were handing in their forms. He passed by his room on the way- the third window on the east side. Some said they enjoyed watching the sunrise, but Jeoff couldn't see what they liked about being blasted in the face each morning. The thin curtains didn't hold any of the sun's fury at bay.

Jeoff noted that many of the Inquisitors were Grey Mancers like him, the reason for which had two parts. The first was that Grey Mancers were the most common. Over a quarter of the Mancer population were Grey Mancers, or so he had overheard. The second was that they were the weakest, and oftentimes their formal role was a postal service. Yellow Mancers had the Strikers, Green Mancers had the Scouts, and Grey Mancers had Shield. In battle they were just sent at the enemy as cannon fodder to slow them down in emergencies, and treated like mules the rest of the time.

At least, that's what it would've been like when Abira was at war. A few decades ago they had triumphed over the northern Kingdom, and had been in a peace treaty with the southern Kingdom for centuries.

So, Mancers were sent about ensuring the safety of the people within the expansive Queendom. And the Grey Mancers were stuck with sending letters.

Jeoff sighed, and when it was his turn to hand in the paperwork, he leaned over to whisper to the secretary. "I have a special case. I need to talk with the High Gold Mancer."

The secretary looked at him with one raised eyebrow, until he pulled one of the papers from the pile. She glanced at him again, her lips pursed, and took it. She skimmed down with ease of practice and huffed. "There seems to be nothing out of order, except that you filled it out wrong."

Jeoff checked that it was indeed Kiara's file, then spoke clearly to emphasize his point. "She made a Black Flame. Not a Dark Flame. An actual Black Flame." Saying this sentence, it occurred to Jeoff that perhaps that was why it was called a Dark Flame instead of a Black Flame. How long had it been called that?

The secretary rolled her eyes and looked to a door on her left. She was still for a moment, sending a telepathic message, then the High Gold Mancer stepped out. He was a bear-like man, with a thick beard that covered half his face. "Black Flame, you say? Jeoff, please step in my office."

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