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Jeoff hesitantly knocked on the door to Adriel's office and entered.

Adriel was reclining on his seat, his legs swung over the arm rest. "Ah, Jeoff. Good. What information have you brought about Kiara?"

Jeoff glanced around the room, eventually resting on the floor in front of him. "During her first lesson, the Prince went to talk to her."

Adriel swung his legs off the chair and leaned forward. Jeoff looked up with a spark of confidence, but the expression on Adriel's face was dark.

"If she gets close to the Prince... it'll be too noticeable when she's gone." Adriel tapped his fingers on the desk and looked to the side. "Alright. We can't interfere with that right now. Too obvious. Looks like we'll need to go the subtle route. Anything else?"

"She joined the Black Slayer class."

"Interesting. And how is she doing with that?"

A knock on the door interrupted Jeoff.

"Come in." Adrien called, motioning for Jeoff to step aside. Before he could even take a step, Jeoff found himself shoved against the wall and held there. A tall man with styled brown hair entered, his head bowed slightly.

"Ah, Lewis." Adriel smiled. "What have you got for me?"

"The mission was a success and..." Lewis hesitated, prompting Adriel to cock an eyebrow. "As you know, I've been working for you for ten years. I've finally gotten back on my feet. I have a family now you see, and so I've come here to tell you I'm resigning to spend time with my family."

"You have been a very diligent and efficient worker for me for a long time, and it pains me to see you go."

Lewis smiled and bowed his head gratefully.

"Which is why I'm not going to let you."

Lewis' head snapped up. "What do you mean?" But then his eyes went wide and his mouth hung open slightly. He stayed like that for a moment before scrunching his eyes and saying "No! I'm quitting!"

Adriel's eyes narrowed, and Lewis fell back into the same blank look. A few moments passed before Lewis blinked again.

Adriel tilted his head, his face now a mask of idle interest. "Why have you come to see me, Lewis?"

"I came in here to say... that my mission was completed successfully and... there was something else..."

Adriel smiled. "I called you in to let you know I have another job for you. Please wait outside."

Lewis nodded and left, a small trace of confusion still in his expression.

Jeoff stepped forward. Adriel smirked at him and said "He's a White Mancer. Imagine what I could do to your feeble brain."

Jeoff was startled. Adriel could do anything he wanted. What if he had done it before already? What if he had a family he didn't remember?

"I've already done this twice because you tried to run away." Adriel said.

Jeoff couldn't believe what he heard. Maybe he did really have a family? But then those horrible thoughts drifted away like leaves on the wind, leaving Jeoff calm. "Sorry, what were we talking about? My mind wandered a bit."

"I was just about to tell you what your next assignment is."

Jeoff walked along the halls of Inverell Academy in no particular rush, given he never really had anything to do except do odds and ends for his superiors

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Jeoff walked along the halls of Inverell Academy in no particular rush, given he never really had anything to do except do odds and ends for his superiors. Which was essentially everyone. Jeoff tended to avoid the busier corridors as a result, and it was a great surprise that a short woman dressed in a brown coat nearly collided with him.

Jeoff took a step back in alarm, then frowned. A brown coat? There were no brown Mancers. Who was this, and what was she doing here?

The woman straightened her glasses and zipped straight past without a word. Jeoff followed her and found himself struggling to keep up. They flew all the way to Silas' office, where Jeoff did crash into her unexpectedly. It felt like flying into a brick wall, and the woman was unfazed. She turned with surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were following me. I thought we were just going the same direction." Her flood of words were dammed with a smile, and then her eyebrows lifted.

"Oh, you know what? Could you help me? I don't think Silas is in at the moment. I just had a check with my Soul Mancing and nobody's in, so he must be out doing some errands. Always such a busy man. I barely see him anymore. The last time I saw him, which is why I'm here by the way, was two days ago. He didn't exactly warn me he was coming, which was a nice surprise I suppose. I'm actually here to do some private tutoring! I think Silas might've mentioned her name in a letter he sent yesterday... Kiara, I think? Maybe I should just see her. Oh, no I better not. I think Silas might want to introduce me himself. That's the proper thing to do, right? Oh, I am not very good with all these rules of society. But I think this Black Flame business is definitely worth it. Oh, dear. Speaking of rules of society, I haven't done the most important one!" The woman stuck out her hand. "Rossa." When Jeoff didn't move, she leaned down and grabbed his hand, shaking it energetically. "Well then, I'll be off. I need to find Silas."

And with that she flew down the corridor, leaving Jeoff standing there with a vacant half-smile and a beating heart.


Alrighty folks! Back into the swing of things! (I've made some edits that you may have gotten notifications for, but hopefully it'll be new chapters from now on)

This chapter is a little short, but I should have more content for it coming up. Stay tuned!

And as always, May your Mancing never fail!

Shifting Flames {Book 1 of the Black Mancer Series}Where stories live. Discover now