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After I 'made myself at home' in the little space so called my room,I decided to inspect the surroundings.I was going to spend some time in here so better to know all the ins and outs.

I opened the door and stuck my head out,noticing the hallways seemed empty.Maybe we weren't allowed to leave our rooms.I shrugged and walked out,not caring at all about the rules.I was new and I could use that excuse.

I turned left to a corner and felt something hard crashing into my body.I whined in pain.

"Who are you?"The girl growled,staring deeply at me.She was intimidating."Jade Thirlwall."

She raised an eyebrow"I don't know you.How comes?"

The girl had shiny and long ginger hair,bright green eyes and an attitude.She wasn't too tall,only a few centimetres taller than me."You still haven't answered smartass."She sassed,folding her arms around her chest and rolling her eyes.

I knew what she was trying to do so I tried to also take an intimidating pose,copying her actions."I don't know you either so we're even."I spat.

She clenched her fists at first and made a step forward towards me.Saying I was scared for my life is an understatement.Then all of a sudden her harsh facial expression softened,her lips curled into a smirk,almost a smile,and she hit me on the shoulder with her fist,in a friendly way."I like you."

"You do?"I asked confused.She nodded and smiled.For a moment I had almost lost my bitchy attitude,but I snapped myself out of the thoughts I was in and regained it quickly."You're not too bad yourself...Sorry I didn't catch your name."

"I didn't throw it."She smirked.Smartass."Jesy Nelson."She stretched her hand out for me to shake it.And I did so.

"So are you new?"She led me towards the main room.I didn't know what that room was but from what I've heard from Jesy it was a big room in which most of the patients could go and have a meal,talk to one another,watch tv and some other activities.

"Yeah I just arrived here earlier in the morning."I explained.All the way to the main room I kept on looking at the white walls,inspecting each door and the numbers on them.Apparently we were allowed to decorate the little plaque with the room's number as we pleased.

"Well I'm gonna be honest with you.This place isn't fun at all.A few days later you'll already be fed up and bored."Jesy sighed.I nodded,sighing too."Why are you here?"I asked shyly.

Jesy let out a laugh and started shaking her head"Oh dear...Well obviously I'm not sane,am I?"

I shrugged,she seemed really down to earth to me."I don't know.You seem pretty normal."

"I am.My parents sent me here to protect me.Bullshit."Anger seemed to build up inside of her,she had that face again,the one I was scared of earlier."What do you mean?To protect you?"I asked confused.

"I dated this guy,Chris.He was only using me but I just couldn't break things up with him.I knew he didn't like me at all but I felt like I needed him in my life.I was...dependent.My parents were against our relationship and they forced me to break up with him when we moved to Surrey.After that I started cutting everyone off,I shut myself down,you know?I was going through a severe stage of depression and I needed help.My parents said they'll get me out of here after I've got better but here I am..."She said sadly,looking down.I felt really sorry for her,she didn't deserve that.Any of that.And that Chris guy could burn in hell.

"What's your story?"She redeemed herself shortly after.I took a deep breath."Anorexia."She gasped."I was bullied for being of mixed race.I couldn't handle in anymore and stopped eating.It's as simple as that."

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