Getting pets

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1 week till the wedding

( jazmin pov)

Jazmin - Luke honey can we get a dog

Luke - yes also a cat

Jazmin - yes a dog and a cat

Britney knocks on door

Jazmins answers the door and let's Calum and Britney

Jazmin - me and Luke are gonna get a dog and cat today

Britney - OMG can we come we want a dog

Jazmin - of corse

They all head down to the pet store

Britney and Calum pick out a golden retriever and name him Marley

Jazmin and Luke pick out to cats and name them ash and rose

Also Jazmin and Luke pick out a black lab and made him Hershey

Jazmin - looks like we are staring are families already

Britney - I can't wait less then a week till the wedding

Jazmin and Britney both say yay

Britney and Calum go back to there house

Jazmin and Luke go back to there place

One more week till the wedding

The love getting stronger

Everything is perfect

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