Ultra sound

61 1 0

8 months till baby is born

(Jazmin pov)

Doctor - hello my name is doctor Brendan Ryan I will be giving birth to your child

Jazmin - nice to meet you doctor Ryan

Luke - hi

Doctor Ryan - well let's get this started

They start the ultra sound

Doctor Ryan - well good news guys there seem to be 3 heart beats

Luke - what does that mean

Doctor Ryan - it means you are having 3 babies

Jazmin - WHAT

Luke - WHAT

Doctor Ryan - congrats guys I will see you again in 3 weeks


Britney am Calum come over

Jazmin - we are having 3 babies

Britney - OMG your so luck my congrats

Calum - congrats guys

Luke - I am still shock

They spend the next 2 hours making vacation plans

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