They find out

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~~ Jazmin pov ~~

Jazmin - wow Ashton that was um

Luke - fuck you Ashton

Ashton - fuck you you don't deserve her

Luke - why not

Ashton - cause you fucked Britney

Calum - WHAT?

Ashton - yep 6 months ago Britney and Luke got it on

Britney walks in

Jazmin - your bitch

Britney - excuse me

Luke - we didn't fuck

Britney - oh shit how did you find out

Jazmin - Ashton

Ashton - it wasn't the first time they fucked either

Britney - we did it one time

Ashton - I saw you with Luke 6 months ago

Calum - we were actually role playing

Ashton - gross

Jazmin - when did you fuck

Britney - well that night we all got really drunk and you and Luke had a fight and broke up and me and Calum got in a fight and broke up and me and Luke fucked

Jazmin - so you didn't cheat I guess

Britney - I am so sorry if it means anything it sucks

Jazmin - it is okay we all made mistakes that night

Britney - what did you do

Jazmin - weed

Britney - damn girl

Luke - so we all good here

Jazmin - yeah

Britney - yep

Calum - I want a divorce Britney

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