Shopping day

21 1 0

~~ Britney pov ~~

Calum - is it over yet we have been shopping for 5 fucking hours

Britney - lounge around Jason he is your son don't talk like that around him

Calum - he is 2

Britney - so

They kiss

Calum - I am sorry

Britney - it is fine

Calum - wanna go back to are place and get are fun on

Britney - do you mean sex

Calum - yeah

Britney - let's do this

Calum - I am gonna fuck you so deep

Britney - dirty

Calum - your pussy is so tight

Britney - this is not 59 shades of grey calm down

Calum - I was setting the mood

Britney - wow you have a lot to learn

Jason - daddy gonna fuck mommy

By stander - lovely coming from a kid lady

Britney - you wanna go bitch

Calum - calm you tits ladies

By stander - I am leaving skank

Britney - Great now Jason is a bad kid

Calum - I still can't belie be said that

They kiss

Jason - fuck you slut


Teen girl - I am a slut I am gonna kill myself

Calum - what the fuck

Britney - let's go home

Jason - preach bitch

Calum - excuse me

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