Chapter 4

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   I've been on this bus for two days and we reach Boston this afternoon. Nobody has noticed the bruises which is good, but they are slowly fading. The pain in my rib is still there tho, Im not sure if the pain is still the same or getting worse.

   Im also really hungry, my stomach keeps growling, but I'm not sure what I'm gonna do for food because I spent all of Emilios money on this ticket.


   I haven't been able to sleep well, I keep having nightmares about what happened. Im pretty sure they are looking for me, I killed a member of the cartel. I'm not sure what Emilio was but he seemed pretty high up in the ranks. At one of the bus stops I got off to use the bathroom and I ditched the gun, I threw it in one of the trash cans behind a restaurant, I wiped it clean first.

   As soon as I get to Boston I will try to look for a job, but I doubt anyone will hire me, I'm only fifteen. I don't want to go to the police, I feel like that's the first place they will look for me, to see if I have pressed charges against them. But I won't, I just want to forget everything that has happened.

A few hours later.....

   I see the bus station, we finally made it to Boston. As I step off the bus I see a diner, a bar, a park and a few shops. I make my way to the park and have a seat at one of the benches to figure out what I'm gonna do. I spend a couple of hours at the park watching anything and everything. It's been so long since I've seen the sun and the clouds, kids playing outside and families laughing together. I can't help but smile at everything.

   My stomach begins to hurt because I'm so hungry. I begin to walk to the diner and head inside and I approach one of the waitresses.

"Excuse me, I was just wondering If you had any spare food laying around that I could have?"

She gives me a disgusted look.

"No we don't, now get out of here before I call the police" she tells me.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be on my way."

   Tears start streaming down my face as I leave the diner.

   Well that was a fail. Now what do i do? Maybe they threw some food out that is still edible. I'm gonna go check the trash cans behind the diner. As I start digging through the trash I hear someone yell.

"Hey girl" someone yells. As i look up it's a different waitress from the diner.

"Here sweetheart, take this bag of food, you look like you need it."

   I run over to her and grab the bag.

"Omg thank you so much, you don't know how much I appreciate it this."

"No problem sweetheart, what's your name?"

   I smile at her and just as I'm about to tell her my name I begin to feel dizzy and my vision begins to blur, I drop the bag in my hands and then I fall to the floor and blackout.

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