3| between the dinner table

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Morose's POV

"SO IT centers around betrayal?"

"Precisely." I reply and he frowns.

"But who betrayed who?"

"Lots of people. Adelita's father betrayed her mother with infidelity, the police and government betrays Cuba and its cities within with scandal and suspicious disappearing caused by them, the people who are supposed to protect. Actually, in my point of view, everyone in the book committed some act of betrayal, whether big or small." I murmur.

"However, there was this poem that it revolved around:

"I grow a white rose,
In July as in January,
For the sincere friend who
Gives me his honest hand,

And for the cruel one who tears
From me the heart with which I love,
Thorn not whistle do I grow,
I grow a white rose."

Jose Martín

By this time even the teacher had ceased what he was doing to listen to me, and before Marcus could speak up he questioned me.

"What does it all mean?" The bald headed man asked in peculiarity.

"Well, it's means to forgive. Those who have done you wrong, betrayed you, do not retaliate "thorn nor whistle do I grow," find peace within and let it go." A small smile makes it's way into my face as I an actually feel the new found excitement of explaining the book.

"Grow a white rose." I finish off, finding my own peace within, as I put them to silence.

_ _ _

"I never got the chance to ask you what you were referring to when you suddenly walked away yesterday." If I was lightly colored, I would've reddened with humiliation.

We sat together in the cafeteria, despite the looks thrown our way.

"I apologize for that. It's not everyday someone suddenly decides to speak to the deemed 'freak', of the school, nor call her beautiful."

"Oh." He murmurs, and I bite the inside of my cheek. "If you don't mind me asking, please don't get offended. But there was once a time we're you used to be as popular as her," he points to Jenin, who threw me a dirty look right on task.

"Then it's like you simply fell off the hierarchy chart. What happened?"

The painful memory returned, not like it ever disappeared, but it usually stayed at the back of my mind. I sigh, running a hand through my black and honey highlighted coils before giving him a small smile.

"Reality. That's what happened." If he was confused, he didn't show it as he simply nodded and we proceeded talking about harmless topics.

_ _ _

When you looked at Marcus from afar, he wouldn't seem like one to carry conversations the way he did.

Waiting on Ben to come get me, I noticed Marcus getting into his car, a sleek black Camaro.

His face was always unbothered, and his movements were nonchalant. His attire at first glance would have you thinking that he would use 'slangs,' and internet language in reality. Which I despised.

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