16| between the thoughts

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Morose's POV
"Don't mind the errors," ~Cr4vinz

"A FEW WEEKS after the attack, I ended up in Gray's father's office, but Gray wasn't there because he had already been sentenced." The waves crashed against the sand peacefully and I sigh. "My dad wasn't there, but my older brother Ben was and boy, He was pissed, and didn't even want to go because he was afraid he'd kill Grays father."

Marcus sat near me, listening carefully.

"So we're all in the room and he pulls out this paper, from his desk. He says,"

"Morose, I cannot express my disappointment and sorrow for what my son has done enough, so I'm going to make you a deal." The man with the grey hair spoke. He looked anything but sorry, disappointed, yes, but not in any way pitiful.

"A deal? After all of this you want to make her a deal? Do you think that—,"

"Ben it's okay." I murmur, placing a hand on his arm.

"Right. Like I said, I am extremely sorry." The man says, his eyes moving to Ben with hidden distaste.

"You never said sorry." Ben growls out.

"Anyway, I am going to completely stop the bullying at your school. No one will hiss even a word at you, nor touch you, in exchange for your silence."

"My silence?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes." He nods. "No one know about the attack except for you, Ben, and the legal authorities but I've already spoken to them. I would like it keep it that way."

I let out a laugh of disbelief, my hands wringing. "Why?"

"I don't want to ruin my sons reputation—,"

"Everyone will see the offense in this file when he tries to apply for a job, for school, it doesn't make much sense." I scoff, but he just continues staring, as if he knew something and I didn't.

"He's getting his name cleared after he's released." Ben elaborates for me, his jaw ticks, and my heart drop.

"No." I saybwuicklf. "I will not allow him to live a normal life after what he did to me. He's not scarred for life, he doesn't have nightmares every night about being slammed against walls and getting his face smashed into a locker, he doesn't feel disgusted every time he sees himself, but I do. And if I have to carry this burden, it's only fair that he does too."

I turn to leave, but instead of kindly understanding, his voice turns dark instead.

"Ms. Kiner, I did want it to seem like you had a choice but you don't. Your family is almost as rich as mine, so I can't exactly affect your wealth, but I assure you, if you don't sign these papers, I will make your life a living hell."

"It's already a living hell." I almost laugh at his words, twisting the knob.

"Don't make a mistake that you won't be able to recover from, be wise Morose, think of me, and the power I have—,"

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