6| between the promises

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Marcus's POV
"SHE PROBABLY did it on purpose!" Mr. Donavan ranted, as I sat in the class, only him and I.

"I don't think she did. She's not that type of person." I defend and he scoffs, turning back to his work and I sighed.

Morose didn't come to school today. Well, it could be that, or she was running late.

I hoped she was running late.

These three days have been something else. Really.

She wasn't like the loud, obnoxious girls who walked the halls like they knew it all.

Or the girls who looked at others with distaste.

She stayed in her own space, minded her own business, and barely had anything to say about anyone.

She was drama free and I loved that.

The main reason why I didn't seek to acquire any friends, was frankly because I do not think anyone at the school is trustworthy. Not even the nerds.

Some of them would remove the braces from their teeth with a screwdriver if it meant a chance of popularity.

But then, there was just everything.

She had the eyes of someone who had already given up, and I knew that type of look anywhere,

She was in trouble.

* * *

I was awakened by soft knocking on the door, my head spinning and my vision blurry.

I cleared my throat, and lifted myself trying to get accustomed to the woozy feeling as I stumbled towards the door, ready to let Ben fuss about me.


It wasn't Ben.

"Morose." I stumble back, holding my head as it began to pound.

"What. . What're you—,"

"Sit." My father says, sitting at the edge of my bed, and I wasn't one to be defiant, so I sat far away from him.

He looked at me, his eyes piercing as he seemed unsure of what to say.

"Would you like to speak first?" He offers, and I whimper, pulling my knees to my chest.

"I hate you." I whisper, and he chuckles, stretching his long trouser covered legs in front of him.

"I would too." He shrugs coldly. "Do you remember the day after your mother died?"

"No." But I did, my hear squeezed in my chest.

"You tried to run away." He starts laughing as if it was funny. "From what? I don't know. I was still the same, loving—,"

"You almost beat me to death." I say incredulously. "You acted as if you were the only one who lost her, I—,"

"So you do remember," he grins wolfishly. "The day your mother died, the old me went along with her. I just came to let you know this because I don't want you to see me as weak if I decline the offer."

I frown.

"If I do, it's only because I have better plans in store for you," he smirks. "And the best part is, you have nothing to say about it."

"I'll be eighteen in three months." I defends and I almost rejoice as his smile falters. Until it gets even wider.

"Well, we'll just have to make the most of it, won't we?"

"Get out." Another voice growls, and For the first time, Dad didn't say anything.

He knew he had won.

A tear ran down my cheek as he pats my thigh as if we were having a normal conversation then exited.

Ben slammed the door, and I stare straight forward as more tears fall.

He went onto his knees.

"What happened?" He whispered at the foot of my bed, trying to peer in my eyes. "Morose please."

"Ben." I sob, shutting my eyes as I shook my head. He stood, and wrapped his arms around me. "I can't do this." I croak.

Today, marks the first day I ever broke down in front of him, and it felt terrible.

"What can't you do? Speak to me." I just kept repeating that I couldn't go on and soon tears of his own fell too. "Morose please tell me what to do?" His shoulder shook as he held me. "Let me protect you."

I composed myself a little, trying my best to be strong for him.

"You can't. . . You can't protect me Ben. I-I, I'm sorry."

Something in him changed even more, I could feel it when he abruptly stopped crying, and when his grip tightened.

"I will always protect you."

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