4| between the humiliation

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Morose's POV

WHEN I first got my period, I was scared beyond my imagination.

Sheltered from the world, basically my whole life, I didn't have the privilege of learning more about our reproductive organs, and what happens.

Strangely enough, I was only eleven when it came.

My mother was the type of mother that told you that babies were delivered by birds.

I remember sitting on the bathroom toilet, sobbing until my butt went numb. She wasn't home, and my father was in the back yard getting work done. I didn't feel like I could've went to him with that situation. How awkward would that have been to tell my dad that I was bleeding from down there? What could he possibly know about it anyway? ~ My young mind's thought.

In that moment, I was confused, and I thought I was dying. Not only that, but I was afraid of dying, now I welcome death, with open arms.

"But now, I welcome death, with open," I curve my 'n' into the notebook before continuing. "arms."

"Morose." I jump. Marcus appeared in front of me, and I frown at him.

"You need to stop randomly appearing and calling my name."

"I apologize." He scratches behind his head sheepishly, a text book in his hand, resting on his thigh. "A group of friends are going over to the movies tonight, would you like to come?"

"Oh, no thanks, I don't. . . I don't do crowds. . Or groups whatever you choose to call it." He seems a little disappointed and unsatisfied by my answer.

"Well," He takes a seat next to me in class, as usual, and I close my notebook. "Why not?"

"I just don't." I answer with finality, and he eyes me. I look away timidly, and he drops whatever he had waiting on his tongue.

I pause before asking, "you didn't Gmail me last night."

Gosh that sounds so ridiculous I could almost laugh.

He smirks, "oh? Did I have you waiting by the computer?" I punch his arm playfully and he chuckles.

"I got caught up with some things at home, however, ill be sure to send you a litte Birdy."

"You know, there's this thing called the gmail app, and you don't have to—,"

"Ahh, don't ruin the moment ." He hushes, and I snort, turning away.

"Ms. Kiner, a word with you." The bald headed teacher suddenly says and I stand, offering Marcus a smile before heading over to the teacher.


"I've decided that I would let you stay in this class without the throwing you a single peeved deserved look, if you read and explain the poem to the class." I frown.

"Why me? Not to be candid, but the students don't like me. Why would I put myself in the itinerary of humiliation?"

"Because I said so," He miffed, and my frown deepens. "And, you're a bright girl, with an abstruse mind, I've seen it in your past essays. Now, you'll do it tomorrow, that's all."

I don't point out that at first it was an offer, I leave it alone, and meet Marcus in the same spot, this time on his phone.

"What was that all about?" He questions as I plop back into my seat.

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