14| between the neat freaks

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Morose's POV
"Don't mind the errors," ~Cr4vinz

"Dad," I croak, eyeing his speed meter and he just ignores me. "Where are you taking me?"

We were long past our neighborhood by now, entering the richer side of town.

"You are going to apologize for making me look like a fool!" He spits and I whimper. He pulls into a gated place, where he is immediately let in. He kills he engine and practically drags me inside.

John, Jim and Jack, all stood creepily by the door as they opened it. The hair on my skin stood up as they separated allowing us to step inside.

The inside was as expected, lush and spotless. Crystal chandeliers hung from the roof and all of the decor was pure white.

"Mr. Kiner, Ms. Kiner." Jim spoke first, probably the youngest of the two in his late twenties. He had black hair, and a beard that was well kept. He was handsome, but knowing what he was capable of now changed everything. Disgusting. "To what do we owe the visit, especially in such a short time."

Dad harshly pinches me and I resist the urge to yelp.

"I-I apologize for not being there for dinner. I got- I got caught up with. . . With school work." Jack laughs.

"Oh Mr. Kiner, you brought her all the way here to apologize? It's okay love, there's always next time." My blood froze.

"Next time?"

"Well, Morose, your father has agreed to the deal. We'll be discussing as soon as you're ready." Jim says and I don't have a second thought as I release my dinner all over the floor.

They're welcoming behavior changes immediately.

"Disgusting." Jim snaps, moving away from me as I heave.

"Maids! Come clean this up."

"I'll take my leave now gentlemen." Dad nods, grabbing my upper hand and I groan, resisting the tears that beg to fall.

"Please. And teach her some manners will you." Jack says dryly. They stared at me like I was a germ on their skin that they could finally see.

John barely spoke, but his eyes simply glazed over with curiosity and lust.

As soon as we were outside I was slapped so hard I collapsed onto the vehicle.

"Will you please stop embarrassing me?" My father growls, stepping forward and grabbing hold of my neck.

"I-I'm sorry," I wheeze as he strangles me.

"You better be sorry, or else I will make you regret ever coming into this world." He lets me go, leaving me to rub my neck and deal with my own tears.

Too late.

_ _ _

"Hey kiddo," I was wrapped up in bed when Ben poked his head inside. It was finally Friday, and I planned to spend the remainder of my afternoon after school, drowning sleeping pills. "I didn't see you yesterday to ask you how was your day." He sits on my bed and I ignore the urge to snap, or give him a cold answer. I was in no mood for a conversation.

"It was good." I mutter and he eyes me for a moment.

"I was thinking, after school I take you out? You know, just me and you." He suggests and as much as it would be lovely to spend time with my brother, u would rather not. Not after last night.

"Oh, I actually have a lot of work to get done, I don't think—,"

"C'mom Morose. You've been working really hard nowadays. You need a break."

"I'm good Ben. I don't feel like going out today." Or ever.

"Well too bad. I just wanted to make you feel like you have a choice but you don't." He says and I groan. "Get dressed, I'm dropping you off at school."

"Please, just leave me to die." I grumble out, only half joking and he just rolls his eyes and flicks my nose before heading out.

After a shower and other normal hygienic practices. I throw on a plain white T-shirt, with blue skinny jeans and a pair of flip flops. I push my unruly hair into a band and grab my back pack and my phone.

Ben was already waiting for me outside, leaving me with Dad and Carla.

"Good morning." I murmur quickly, rushing outside to avoid any type of interaction with them.

"You ready?" Ben questions and I scoff.

"Why else would I be outside?" I answer and he frowns.

"Hey, what's up with you?" I don't answer as I climb inside his vehicle. Truth is, I didn't know how to act, nor how to behave.

After last night the last thing I wanted to do was be around people.

"Did something happen yesterday?" Ben questions as he reverses and begins our journey and I sigh.

"No. I'm just a teenager with hormones."

"Morose. . ."

"Please Ben. Not right now."

"You always say that, 'not right now,' 'not today,' when are you going to let me in? When are you going to—,"

"Never." I snap loudly, just wanting peace and his jaw clenches. "I will never let anyone in because the moment I do I will fall apart. Can't you see Ben? I'm not— I don't want to be figured out, or cured, I just want to be left alone. Okay? So please, just. . . Just leave me alone." I turn towards the window so I won't see his reaction and soon enough we're pulling into school. He stood in front of the stairs and I get out.

"Have a good day at school." He murmurs and without looking at him I mutter a thanks and shut the door.

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