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"Like you couldn't be any louder?!" I said when I threw a pillow at my annoying ass alarm clock.

Silence filled the room until... BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!

"Ugh!" I got out of my bed and turned the clock off correctly. "Shut the fuck up, will you?!"

I flopped on my bed when I remembered why my alarm went off in the first place. Shit! I had class to get to.

This was the only reason why I started to regret staying in South Korea, to learn their language, and about their culture. That and the food. Yes, the food here is amazing, but who wouldn't miss the the food that they grew up on eating and now had no real access to your authentic hometown food because they now lived in a total different country.

Wow, Thina, what a way to choose to spend your morning. You know, thinking about food you you won't see in several years, but you might wanna get the fuck up before you're late to your damn class! Y'know?

Right. There I go again, talking to myself, but then saving myself at the same time. Someone please tell me what the fuck is wrong with me.

I finally dragged myself out of my bed and got ready for class while thinking about how lucky I was to have a whole dorm to myself and not have a dorm mate.

Well here we go again.

I mean, then they would see me randomly talk to myself or see me stare at something for no reason and think of me as a psycho or something—which I probably wouldn't deny though.

Yeah, I wouldn't either.

Look, sometimes I just get into deep thought and I can't help it, so I'm just glad I don't have to worry about some rando seeing me like that in their own room.

I look at the time to see I have fifteen minutes left until class starts.

See! Now look what you've done! Thinking about all this nonsense is about to make you late.

Oh, will you shut up? If I didn't think at all then you wouldn't be here, now would you? So I suggest you stop talking.



After that quick "conversation" I quickly grabbed my things, rushed out of the door, and ran down the hall to hopefully make my way to my class on time.

"I made it!" I shouted, but slowly drifted off my voice when I realized that everyone was staring at me. I mouthed sorry to them and looked down in embarrassment while I walked and sat in my seat.

And with that, the class started with a loud bang of the door of the classroom.


Well that was one lesson I could definitely say wasn't so interesting. But I couldn't think about that right now. I was already in yet another rush again somewhere.

I had an appointment with my temporary patient in about thirty minutes, but I still had to go and change, then go to my office which was about fifteen minutes away so... wish me luck!

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