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I woke up with the bright sunlight straining my eyes. Though, I felt somewhat —but very— refreshed. I laid in bed, stretching my arms wide with a loud yawn escaping my mouth.

Even though I moved around, I still felt sore. Especially my back. Oh GOD, did my back hurt like hell.

I had felt something by my side. It was quite short and thin. Soft to the touch.

I tried to cuddle with the unknown thing beside me. It was warm and again— so so so soft. I squeezed it once, now realizing what it was.

How could I forget?! The most important thing in my life! Probably the best choice I ever made in my life!

My lovely mint green body pillow!

Now, I know lots of people think the idea of body pillows are weird but I simply love it. I have a habit of cuddling anything I can get my hands on when I'm asleep, it just feels like all the pressure from body just floods away, leaving me feel like a feather in the sky, sinking in the air, worry free.

I ended up walking back home after that guy had given me some food and water for free. Man... I sound like I'm a homeless person, don't I? Well, these are the facts so deal with it.

While walking home I spotted the most beautiful body pillow on earth and it was mint green which is a soft and comforting color to me. I bought that with the little won I had, leaving me won-less.

Wow, just think about it, the first thing I do with the little won I have left after losing my job, I spend it on a body pillow. Not a single vital necessity came to mind when I bought that pillow, just happy thoughts.

Probably not thinking right since I basically had no energy left to make better choices except for my ridiculous mind of mine.

After getting to my dorm at around four o'clock, I decided to take a little nap that turned out to be a two hour long nap.

I looked at my phone which said 6:15 pm. I had to get ready for that... that... whatever Jack wanted me to go for, I didn't know what to call it. Maybe, Congratulations On Losing Your Job date? Because that's really what it feels like to me. I honestly don't even know where exactly we're going to be. All I know is that I have to meet him at the front office. Also, that he better not try to do some sneaky shit either, I still don't know if he tried to kiss me yesterday or not. But I'm not gonna let my guard down because of it, so here I am!

I don't even know what to wear either. It's not like I have a lot of clothes anyways. And should I mention that I'm basically a walking funeral everywhere I go? I see people wear the brightest and most beautiful colors out there and yet I always seem to buy the darkest thing on the rack last minute. I feel like if I wear such things that put you out there, it attracts too much attention and people tend to expect more from you. I'm scared that if I wore things that showed more skin or with bright colors, I'd be judged a lot and I'd set a high standard for my own self, which I know, right now, that is not the healthiest for me to do. So I decide to hide. Hide like always.

Going with a plain white t-shirt (probably the only exception to my dark ways), dark blue jeans, and a black jacket with —of course— my lovely black converse.

Since I'm not in such a rush like always (surprisingly), I dragged most of the time getting ready, so when I saw the time it was already 6:45.

To be honest, I can't remember any details Jack said about this thing or even if he did say anything, but all I know is that he invited me and he kinda made me lose my one and only job and I got no money... sooooo I didn't bring any money. I hope he's treating, that's all I'm saying.

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