Chapter 40: Chase

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At first everything looked like a blur. She blinked her eyes a few times. Then the first thing she saw was a black ball of fur fast asleep beside the futon, on top of something that looked a lot like her pajama shirt.

Mami didn’t exactly expect that Kuro-kun would be the first thing she would see when waking up. She couldn’t even understand how he entered the room at first, the door was neatly closed, but then she did have the habit of leaving her window slightly open exactly for the cat to enter.

She closed her eyes again. There was no need of waking up yet, not now.

The sensation of Tomomi’s bare skin against hers was the best thing in the world. She still felt an arm around her waist and the body gently pressed against hers, Tomomi’s even breathing caressing the back of her neck. Her loving girlfriend could sleep like a rock when there were no nightmares to throw her off, and fortunately that had been a night of no nightmares.

Doing only what was possible without ever moving from her comfortable spot, Mami stared at the clothes scattered across the room. Tomomi’s shorts ended near the door, and that caused her a small and unmistakable smile of amusement. Seemed like they really didn’t care where they had been tossing clothes at.

Closing her eyes again, the blonde sighed lightly and felt Tomomi moving a little on her sleep, slightly brushing her leg onto hers and holding her a bit tighter for a moment. When she relaxed again Mami held on her hand, entwining their fingers together.

Last night had been one of those things that Mami never really thought about before. It simply felt right at the moment, more than anything. Just remembering it all brought heat to her face.

At the same time Tomomi had been the sweetest person in the world and also the boldest one. It had to be unusual. Nothing about that girl was conventional as Mami saw it. Before that night the brunette had been so nervous and shy about those kinds of thoughts and feelings, but when the time came she looked and acted so serene.

With her eyes closed Mami could almost feel traces of everything, of Tomomi pressing her body down against hers, kissing and touching her everywhere with so much passion. She would think it was all a dream if the living proof wasn’t holding her right now.

After a while she heard and felt a somewhat dreamy sigh behind her neck, and that was enough for her to know Tomomi was now awake. The sounds were coming back to her little by little, but the silence lasted for a long time. She squeezed Tomomi’s hand for a second causing the brunette to move behind her, and when she turned her face slightly to see her she was met by a sleepy face with very messy brown hair and a light smile. Mami chuckled, it was impossible not to.

- For your information you look really messy too. - Tomomi muttered sleepily. Mami turned slowly and lied on her back, but other than adjusting herself a little to the blonde’s new position, Tomomi never moved. Her arm stayed over Mami’s waist and their fingers were still entwined. For a minute none of them said anything, and Tomomi just left a small kiss over Mami’s shoulder before scooting even closer and touching her nose on the blonde’s cheek. Just like Mami, she didn’t look like she wanted to really wake up yet. - Do you feel alright, Mami?

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