Chapter 25: Reunion

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Haruna shut the door after getting everything ready in the truck, the slightly chilling breeze making her shiver for a second. It was very early in the morning, but they didn’t want to sleep anymore. They had to go back to Kyoto.

After that insane night, they got their butts back in the hotel and Rina almost crushed their bones with a hug when they entered the room where she was. Apparently she was really worried since she lost the image when Akira finished with the loop for the security crew, and couldn’t really see whether Haruna had managed to get to the sewers again in safety.

Haruna had to admit she was very uncomfortable being hugged by Rina and smashed against Tomoko simultaneously, but it wasn’t the same feeling she had before. She still didn’t know what it was, she just knew it was bothersome and she didn’t like it.

She didn’t have time to dwell on that though, since they had a lot to talk about before even considering getting some sleep. Only after telling Rina everything about Myogibou’s little visit and getting insanely worried all over again was that Haruna could go to her room and get some well-deserved rest. Not that she had that many hours to sleep.

Now early in the morning, Tomoko helped them with concealing the katana on the way out of the hotel, since they couldn’t leave in the same sneaky way they did when they went in that little adventure. Akai was now safe hidden inside the truck, under the seats, while Rina and Tomoko talked next to the vehicle.

- I’ll keep an eye on things, don’t worry. - Tomoko said, rolling her eyes. She had a long black coat on, her hands buried in the pockets. She was now taller than Rina due to the boots she was wearing. - If anything really bothersome comes up when they realize there’s a katana missing, I’ll call you. If anything goes wrong with that guard who saw us, too.

- Thank you. For everything. - Rina said and smiled at her old time friend, seeing a smirk grow on the nekomata’s face - It was good finding you, I hope you don’t disappear again.

- Probably won’t. But you have my number now genius, just call. - Rina chuckled when the golden-haired woman said that - Seriously. If you need any help again too, just call. I wouldn’t mind kicking some Oni ass if you’re having trouble with that, you know how I get bored easily.

- That’s actually a very nice thing to hear coming from you.

- It’s the meds. Don’t expect me to be sweet to you when you see me again.

- You shouldn’t stop taking them, you know.

- You should mind your own business, you know.

- Ok, I think I already told you old ladies to shut up once before. - both of them looked down at Haruna with her sudden interruption. Haruna didn’t like how those two had to look down to see her, but there was nothing she could do about nature. She just took another step closer to them - You two drive me insane.

- I’m curious, when did I give you permission to call me an “old lady”? - Rina crossed her arms - I don’t really enjoy being called “old” like that you know?

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