Chapter Eleven

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There were no words to describe Lisa's surprise when Jennie climbed out of the car that morning and approached her. Steering Riley towards the nearly deserted beach with a hand over his back and a quiet command, the brunette continued her way towards the tall blonde.

Although almost numb with confusion, Lisa took the catlike eye woman's lead and began to follow her once she had reached the tall blonde side.

For a long moment, Jennie was silent. Looking straight ahead, the brunette seemed to be debating something.

"I'm sorry." Jennie eventually said, halting her movements as she came to stand in front of the tall blonde. The wind whipped over Jennie's face and played with her hair, forcing her to tuck khaki locks behind her ears in an effort to tame the wild now strands, flourishing the air with her Chanel inducing perfume.

Lisa raised her eyebrows. "Are you?"

"Yes." Jennie answered firmly, confidently. "For not granting you the right to see Riley grow, however, am I sorry for what I've done? For keeping away when I should have come back? Not entirely. Because – my actions were logical back then, and, quite honestly they still are. Maybe I was selfish – or maybe I was sure – but... but I didn't want to come back. I didn't want to suddenly find myself back in that pink house, back with you, after I'd forced myself – after I'd gathered every bit of courage I had – to leave you. I couldn't stand to have one more moment by your side."

Lisa slowly nodded, and looked down at her feet, allowing the information to sink before she reached a conclusion. "Do you hate me?" Lisa asked, resigned, yet at the same time, hopeful.

"No." Jennie answered, shaking her head.

The relieved breath that Lisa exhaled went unnoticed.

"I could never hate you. But I didn't want anything to do with you anymore."

"I see..."

"We weren't ready to have a child, Lisa. No matter how many movies you've seen where it says a baby solves everything. For Riley to grow in the environment that existed in that black yet pink house..."

"You weren't ready to have a child, either, Jennie." Lisa interrupted the brunette, gazing down at her with a piercing look.

There was a silent confidence in Jennie's eyes when she answered. "That changed when I held him in my arms the first time."

Lisa heaved a sigh, running a hand through her now messy bangs as the wind gushed towards them and shook her head as she admitted. "I don't know what you expect from me now, Jennie."

"Nothing. But Riley... he might have some expectations, and if you could meet them, I would be very grateful."

"Riley is my son. And he bears no fault in this whole... situation. You don't either – at least not entirely." Lisa paused, taking a deep breath. "You made your decision based on what happened between us, and I... as much as I want to, I can't blame you for making the choice you've made."

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