Chapter Eighteen

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On the first day of school, I was the one in charge of taking Riley home.

As the little handsome boy jumped into my awaiting arms, I thought about how pleasant this little bundle of joy evoked inside of me were—how attached I had grown to his presence in my life.

Had I ever felt so complete? I could hardly remember.

Riley was beaming with pride due to the success his so-called unicorn essay had been. The unicorn essay that had been done in a matter of ten minutes; according to his NINI's lovable sarcasm, the words had simply flown after Riley had seen a couple of sparkling unicorn shows and wasted yet another day.

"You like unicorns?" I asked as I walked to where I had parked my car, my son still in my arms.

"Yeah~, unicorns are real~." Riley answered. "And I really want a dog, but NINI says she doesn't have enough patience to take care of one."

I barked a laugh—that was entirely like Jennie. "Didn't you tell her you intended to take care of him?"

"Well, yeah~, but then NINI said I could barely take care of myself and that we don't have enough space in our apartment."

"Hey, lighten up." I laughed as I saw Riley grumble. "Your NINI said she's making you, your favorite food, gamjatang~, didn't she?"

As promised, Jennie was in the kitchen when we arrived at the apartment, clad in high heels and the tightest short dress I had ever seen. In reality, that was a lie, that was how most of her dresses were, and I was a witness to that.

Riley ran to her NINI's side to greet her, and I watched, with a fond smile on my face, how Jennie bent down to kiss his small puffy cheek as Riley hugged her around the hips. Jennie's hands were dirty so she held them up until she ushered him upstairs and made her way to the sink to rinse them.

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