Chapter Thirty-One

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The moment Riley stepped out of the bus, he made a beeline straight for his NINI.

Riley had missed his LILI, too, there was no denying that, but it was different. He had hardly ever been away from his NINI, and as much as people seemed to think of her as overprotective because of that, the truth was that he was just as attached to her as Jennie was to him. There were simply more things out there for him to discover.

"NINI!" Riley exclaimed, throwing himself into her arms as Jennie crouched down to return the handsome boy's embrace.

"My baby~..." Jennie murmured, squeezing Riley back, pressing her lips into his khaki hair.

The days Jennie had spent with Lisa had been amazing; they had been stressful and had consumed her more than she would have believed possible, but Jennie didn't regret a single moment. Regardless, she had missed Riley with every fiber of her being. Jennie wasn't used to being away from him and that wasn't something she even wanted to learn, in the first place.

Clutching him even tighter to herself, Jennie stood up, smiling at him when he pulled away.

It was in that moment that Lisa stepped in, taking him from Jennie's arms and into her. "Hey, buddy~," Lisa greeted, grinning. "Missed us?"

Riley nodded. "Yeah~."

"But it was nice, right?"

"Yeah~." Riley shrugged. "A bit boring though, but it was alright."

"You can't tell me you didn't enjoy yourself when you insisted so much on going, Riley." His NINI complained, throwing him a Resting Bitch Face look, and Riley grinned as he rested his head on his LILI's shoulder, hearing the soft rumble of the tall blonde's chest as she laughed.

Riley had always been pleased and perfectly happy with his NINI and with what they had. People had trouble believing that he had never felt as though something was missing from his life, that Riley had never wished to have the father figure every other child his age seemed to have, but the truth was exactly that—he hadn't. His NINI was more than enough for him and Riley couldn't care less about what people thought or even said.

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