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"Trails of past and future..."


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Lisa felt a small warm tear slip down her cold cheek. She never felt so lost and alone. She couldn't glance at her loving wife. Her very own child always acted like he forgave them, but she knew deep down that Riley was having some heavy thoughts about their on-going abstracts. Her wife was now gone and Lisa didn't know if she could take it anymore.




Lisa slipped into dreams between watching the pale moon and comparing it to her mental image of Jennie's face. So pale – that sweet-milky touchable skin, but the flush came so quickly when she touched it, so unrestrained – those lovely dark-brown catlike eyes, so quick to express to life and emotion, like clear water cascading through the stones of a river.




Lisa opened her eyes and barely saw the ceiling. The air felt cold against her sweat-drenched bangs and neck. Frightened at what she would see if she looked at her wife's side of the bed, Lisa hesitated.

Lisa forced herself to look and see her wife, peacefully in her slumber. Expelling a sigh of relief, Lisa slid her arms around Jennie and pulled her close. Their bodies were like puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly. Jennie shifted into her sleep, molding into her wife's shape. Lisa tried calming herself, but it didn't even seem to work. She felt a little anxious and the dream seemed all too real. She needed reassurance.

Lisa's hand rested on her wife's swollen belly. This was real, not a dream. - Lisa thought.

Lisa turned her head to the serenely sleeping woman next to her and began to shake her. "Nini~..."

The drowsily woman groaned and opened one eye. "What is it?"

"We're married right?" Lisa quizzed.

The Beginning of the End - JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now