Chapter Twenty-One

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Jennie was reading the 'Eleonor & Park' book when Lisa arrived home that cold December evening, a steaming mug of hot chocolate milk on the coffee table in front of her and a soft blanket around her shoulders.

Jennie heard the front door unlock, and she frowned. There was only one person beside her that had a pass key, and she was finding it hard to believe that... that the tall blonde was home.

Jennie was still frowning when the tall blonde entered the living room, bringing with her the fresh smell of winter. The brunette had closed her book and set a foot on the floor. Jennie's other leg still tucked beneath her, looking up at the toothy grin that adorned the tall blonde's features.

"What are you doing here?" Jennie asked, the confusion showing clearly in her voice and expression.

The tall blonde's grin widened. "Is that my 'welcome home'?" Lisa teased, bending down to kiss her.

For a moment, as the smell of Lisa and winter invaded her senses, Jennie didn't mind the proximity. But then instinct kicked in and she turned her head away, causing Lisa to kiss her puffy cheek instead. Abandoning her book on the couch, beside her, she stood, taking a step back as Lisa towered over her.

"I asked you a question." Jennie reminded her.

The tall Thai's grin returned. "I came home." Lisa declared, closing the distance between them and taking the brunette into her arms. Hands sprawled across the lower back, Lisa thumped Jennie gently against her chest, ripping a gasp from the brunette's throat. "I missed you," Lisa murmured softly, bending her head down so that her forehead rested against the top of Jennie's head.

Jennie swallowed heavily, biting her lip in order to stop a reply from escaping her mouth. Her heart thudded in her chest in such a manner that it made it seem as though it was trying to get out, to rip her apart and escape. The proximity was intoxicating—Lisa's scent made her dizzy, the blonde's touch sent a wildfire roaring through her, Lisa's words seeped through her skin, diluted in her blood, and buried themselves so deeply into her heart, embedded themselves so forcefully into her memory, that she was sure she would never forget them, and they would play in her head over and over: a soulful melody for when Lisa was gone again.

Lisa's lips brushed against her temple, and her breath hitched, her eyes closing against her will. Her hands trembled where they lay upon the Thai's unexpectedly strong arms. Lisa's lips reached her puffy cheek and it took everything of her to stay still for a second more. Jerking away, Jennie wormed her way out of the blonde's arms, turning her back to the tall woman.

Jennie could practically feel the confusion rolling off the Thai in waves.

"Hey Nini~, what's wrong?" Lisa murmured gently. Suddenly, her presence was behind the brunette, her hand brushing the hair away from Jennie's neck.

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