Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Veronica's POV

Oh God!! Why do I have to hang around with him! He's a jock and I'm nothing like him or his friends! I hate his type so much they bug me so much! They're egotistical, annoying, idiotic moronic and just plain twats! Uh. I hate my life. I knew it would end up like this eventually. I was just lucky that the geeks took me round school in the past. I knew I was going to hate this school...

“So... I'm Drew.” he said. “how good are your grades?” he asked and I raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Why? Are you gonna make me do your homework for you?” I said and gave him a small smile. “As a matter of fact...Yeah! Yeah I was!” he said laughing. “Well too bad. I get 'F'...a lot.” He smiled at me and he looked into my eyes, he looked away and chuckled to himself.

Then the principle came round the corner. How did he get there so fast?! He saw Drew an I and he stopped us in our tracks. “Mr Taylor, just so you know, if Miss Skyes grades go down, I'm going to blame you. She is an 'A+' student after all. And she has got acceptance letters into Harvard, Yale, and Princeton for the next academic year.” he said and I blushed. Damn you Mr. G!! He then walked off and Drew raised an eyebrow and smirked, which made me blush even more. “You get 'F' a lot, do you?” he said and laughed. “I'm also a compulsive liar” I said and he furrowed his eyebrows. “You don't believe me?” I waited a second “Would I lie to you?” he started laughing so hard. Well at least he gets my sense of humour.

He put his arm around my shoulder as he stopped laughing, still with a huge grin on his face. It was awkward. Very awkward, so I ducked under his arm and he looked at me in shock. “I guess you're not used you?” I asked shaking my head. “Err..No” he said sighing. “Yup” I said popping my 'p'. “ I thought so” I added. We walked in silence for a bit then after the bell rang we walked to chem lab. It took us 20 minutes because he didn't even know where to go himself. How can he not! He's a senior!

We walked past the science corridor “Shouldn't we be going down there?” I asked pointing towards the science corridor. “No, I think that there is another class room, which is ours, somewhere else. Like on it's own. At the side of the school. I just don't know which side” he said with a sheepish smile. “Oh great” I said “Going round school with a least what I think is a guy, who has been here for 3 years, who doesn't know his way around. Yay!” I added and Drew looked at me with hurt in his eyes.”I am a guy!” he said fake crying. “Okay. Whatever you say!” I said teasingly.

The only place he actually knows where to get to is the football field. What a surprise! Dumb jock! We went there for a bit and he kicked the ball a few times. A football got thrown at him by one of friends, he caught it then passed it to me. “I prefer soccer. So.” I started but he came up to me and whispered in my ear “Just kick it.” I sighed “Fine.” I said as I placed the ball on the ground and thanked god that I wear flats. I stepped back once and in one fowl swoop, I had kicked the ball from one end of the field to the other nearly hitting the coach. Woops? Drew looked at me with shock, and happiness and the rest of his team came over clapping and smiling and shouting “Wooo!!”, “Wow”, “Great kick!”, “That's better than Drew's!”, “Ha drew got beat by a girl! Burn!”. “You should join the team!” Drew told me as I stood there awkwardly. I snorted and said “Me and sports? No way!” Then I walked off toward my actual lesson. Chemistry!!

*Authors note*

Sorry for such a short chapter. It was kinda a filler! But I hope you liked it anyway.

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