Chapter 12

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Heyyy. So I decided to upload a chapter today because I'm not sure what else to do.

Thanks for reading.

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Chapter 12--Christians POV

I drove in to the school the next day and got out my car, only to be bombarded with even more people than normal.

This time they weren't asking about the match that was on last night or if I can sit with them at lunch.

This time...they were asking "Hey! Are you and that Veronica girl going out?" and "What's going on with you and Veronica?" "Are you dating her?" and "What about Demi?"

The thing is, me and Demi...we are over.

Way over. 

But she didn't realise it, and told people that 'we were on a break'.

That break has lasted for 3 and a half years...

Demi was completely wrong about us being together.

Very wrong.

I quickly got out of the crowd and found a place to hide from them and texted Veronica.

'U mite want 2 come 2 sch round the bac. ill ring ya'

I then called her when she texted back 'OK...?'

She answered the phone and I said "People think we go out or something because they saw the photos on twitter. So if you don't want to be suffocated by a group of teenagers asking if you go out with me...Go round the back of school and park in the back car park. No one really goes in there."

"Great" she well as a few curse words.

"Fine. But is it OK for me to kill anyone who annoys me today?" she asked and I laughed.

" long as you don't kill me" I said.

"Awww. You were first on my soon to be very long list" she said sarcastically.

"Too bad babe" I replied.

"Don't call me babe!" she said and I laughed.

"Whatever you say babe." I replied and I could imagine her getting really annoyed at me.

"Fuck off! I hate you. Byeeee" she said elongating her 'e'.

I chuckled softly and hung up. 

I then walked into school, only to be in a huge crowd again being asked if I go out with Veronica.

I was tempted to say 'Yes. We love each other. We are getting married next fall' but then Veronica really would kill me.

I walked past Demi who gave me a bit of a death glare.

But she just looked like she was constipated.

As Shawn said when he walked past, trailing behind me.

We both started laughing and we bumped fists.

Some guys also tried to high five me as I walk past them for 'scoring' Veronica.

Which...I didn't. But that doesn't mean I don't want to.

Wow! I have a really perverted mind!

Later, when Veronica found out that the guys high fived me for 'scoring' her...they definitely regretted it as she got into a full on insult battle. Which she always won.

The last line always ended in a really funny way.

Like...'Suck my dick' the guy would say, getting annoyed that he was getting beaten by a girl.

To which she would reply...'When you get one'

It was funny as hell!

Me and Veronica fist bumped after that which a load of girls went 'awww' at.



At a fist bump.


Which is also what Veronica said when we walked away.

In Geometry, I could see Veronica writing everything down in her book. 

She looked cute when she was concentrating.

At the end of the lesson she admired her handy work, as did the teacher because Veronica corrected her many times.

To be honest...It wasn't hard to correct Miss Antil.

Veronica didn't really like talking in class unless it was to Charlie or Emma, or occasionally me.

Everyone knew it, but that still didn't stop people from asking her if we go out.

I could see her getting more and more annoyed at the people and so when Damon asked her if we went out...

Her jaw clenched, her hands balled up into fists.

"He can take it, right?" she asked and I nodded.

Yeah, Damon could take a punch...but Veronica would get in serious trouble if she did.

"But I wouldn't if I were you." I said and pulled Damon away from Veronica and to his seat next to mine.

I was lucky enough to be in the middle of them.

"But she didn't answer" he whined and I thought I was going to punch him then, but I resisted the urge to do so.

"We. Are. Not Going Out. Like I told you a million times today!" I said and he raised his hands in defeat.

"Fine" he sighed and I shook my head at him.

He then turned back to the work sheet in front of him and carried on 'working'.

" I'm going to end up hitting someone very soon if they don't stop asking me!" Veronica complained and I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Well. I'm sorry. But hey! Is it really that bad for people to think you go out with me?" I asked her and she gave me a look that said 'You're-kidding-me-right?'

"Hey!" I complained and she carried on walking down the hall.

"You're mean!" I said catching up to her and she shrugged.

"I don't care" she replied simply and we carried on walking, me laughing at her little comments as we strolled along the corridors of our high school.

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