Chapter 1

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*Authors note*

Hope you enjoy ;D. This is my first story so vote, comment, and fan!

Christian is the 'king of kings' at his school and Veronica doesn't like him or his friends that much because he is popular and Veronica hates attention. Veronica is new at the school and her and Christian get close..but how close do they want to get? Friends or more?

Chapter 1-Veronica's POV

Hi, I'm Veronica. I live with my parents and I'm an only child. I'm also a genius and could have gone to any university  3 years ago. I am now 17. I would have gone to any of these universities but I couldn't because I knew that there was so much for me to learn. Besides, a 14 year old going to school with people 18 and over would just be awkward. I'm very athletic too! So I'm a nerd who's good at sports...not something you see everyday, but that's me! I have been to many schools because my parents move around with their jobs a lot, so I don't really ever get the chance to make friends. I'm very social but people don't talk to me because they think I'm a social reject which I guess in way.. I am. But I don't care what people think of me, not any more. I don't buy all the latest clothes which are usually designer even though I could, easily. But I don't like designer clothes that much because all it is, is a label. I live in a large house wherever I live because my dad thinks its good for my house to look presentable even if I don't. I am in to gadgets and stuff because they are so interesting: how they work, what they do. It's really amazing. My bedroom, like most girls bedrooms, is  filled with posters. But not of boy bands and things like that but of my hero's and science stuff because I love science.

My parents are high level workers with the CIA. They are not in the field but they are dangerous and a good source of information for America. They are never in danger it's just they know every case worked and all employees and they know absolutely everything to do with the CIA. They are like human computers! And I'm just a mini them, really. I have even worked with the CIA on small cases because I am more of a genius than my parents put together! Everyone there knows me, loves me and they are my only friends I have had throughout my whole life. Even though they are like double my age...but soon I might become one, and I can't wait! My parents think I have everything I could dream of; a family, nice house, lots of money, but what I don't have is true friends, a first love and so much more. My life is incomplete and I hope this year it will change. I hope people around me, will like me for me and not what I own like: James, Tim, Juliet and Sarah do, but I want the people to be my age not 20 years older! So first I have got to get through one more year of high school with complete idiots which is going to be so fun....

"OK, Veronica. I know you don't want to go to school today because you're new. but I want you to enjoy it here, because your father and I have put a lot of time, money, and effort into your education" Mum told me. But it was just what she told me at my last high school. And the school before that and the school before that. My Dad gave me some new keys for my new car...just like last time and I raised an eyebrow. "What is it this time...A Polo?" I mumbled under my breath. "Not quite" he  replied with a smug voice. My Dad is weird. Like super weird. He has probably got me a golf cart or something like that knowing him. I walked out the large house and saw a black Mini in the front driveway. YAY! I smiled so much but didn't let my parents see. 

My drive to school is fairly normal. I go on a paper round route because it is easiest and there is less traffic. Plus I don't have to actually go on a paper round so there are no stops unless I want a coffee or hot chocolate which I normally don't anyway. I pass large houses which are Victorian style and are decorated perfectly. The houses are bigger than mine, and that's saying something. They have long driveways with flowers going right up to the front door. They are truly beautiful. But a bit much for only a couple of people. But for a large family...They would be perfect. There is also a 10 year old called Jimmy who goes on a paper round in the morning with his mum. I only know this because I had to ask them for directions and I know I said this was the easiest route...doesn't mean it was easy!!

As I Drove into my new school I could feel the stares on me, especially since my parking in bloody amazing. My parking is bloody amazing because if you have ever seen some one skid sideways in a car into a parking space... that's what I did! It looks amazing and you get a rush from doing it too. It is just something you learn when your parents are basically spies and you talk to their friends who go out in the field all the time. Oh yeah! And I stole the spot some girls were about to park in, but that's not as cool. I heard gasps but ignored them...It's only a parking space!!! Then I heard whispering. well people trying to talk quietly but failing miserably but I really couldn't care less. The two girls from the car starred daggers at me. I could still feel their gaze on me but they just parked somewhere else.  1-0 to the good guys! 

As I started to walk towards the entrance of the school the girls caught up with me. YAY ME! SARCASM!!! "Hey I'm Demi. I'm Head Cheerleader and Class president! And you are?" she said not letting me move. A cheerleader! WOW! Go Team! Again with the sarcasm! "I'm Veronica. And I'm new. Bye." I said in a hurry. But just as I was about to get away a group of guys in Letterman's jackets stopped me. Now I was surrounded. " Are you in a hurry Veronica? No you're not. Obviously you're not. I mean you are talking to me right? IKR! So anyway you're not from around here are you?" she asked puzzled. Seriously? How stupid can you get?. "How did you guess?" I said flatly because I really don't like her. " You're accent of course!" she replied. I don't think she knows what sarcasm is. Wow. "I was being sarcastic" I retorted. Obviously I'm not from around here. I'm from Nashville and now I live here... In West Newbury. (The birth place of the AMAZING John Cena!!!..So what if I'm a fan of wrestling..I'm not just your average girl). Demi laughed humourlessly and asked her friend what sarcastic meant. I just snorted as her friend replied. "Wow. You are so LOL." she said disgusted by my lack of respect for her and her friend. "So I've been told" I replied coldly leaving her alone and the guys laughing at her until she shouted at them till they stopped but when they walked away from her they started to laugh again. Well I'm happy to have made someone's day.

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