Chapter 9

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Chapter 9---Veronica's POV

I was getting ready to go to my...meeting? with Christian.

When my phone started ringing.

My ring tone, however is super embarrassing!

My friend (Nathan) from Nashville put it on my phone so I will always remember him.

Which was really sweet of him.

I didn't him, nor him like me... we were best friends.

And he was gay.

But anyways, the song that started ringing was 'Sexy Boy' from WWE (wrestling).

It was Shawn Michaels theme song and it is so funny.

I picked up my phone and brought it to my ear.

"Helloooo Charles!" I said in a sing song voice to Charlie.

"Hey V, don't call me that! Especially after that History lesson with Mr. Hertford on Charles Manson! I mean he's a...was a fudging psychopath!" Charlie said with a gasp.

She is so easy to take the pis out of!

"Well, One is terribly sorry, M'lord *cough  cough* I mean M'lady" I said in an old fashioned British voice.

She chuckled a bit then sighed.

"I was wondering when you were going to go on your date with lover boy. I miss you!....And i'm really bored. So if I can't talk to you I have no one else to talk to because Emma is at her dance lessons" she asked and I scoffed.

"It is NOT a date, he is a put it nicely. And!...Seven o'clock" I said and she laughed.

"OK. Well knowing him he will pick you up before seven, so he has more time to check you out when you arn't looking and hit on you constantly" she said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the memory's of today when we were told to stop chatting each other up by teachers, while we were in the middle of little arguments.

I chuckled at myself and shook my head.

"Yeah, OK. Well see ya later!" I said and she sighed dramatically.

"Fine! Leave me! Ahhh! It's terrible! I don't feel loved!" she said pretending to cry then laughed.

"Byee!" she replied and I hung up and went to the living room and sat down and decided to watch some of 'The Mentalist'.

Around 10 minutes later my phone rang again.

This time I was a bit more hesitant to pick up.

Because it was Christian.

However I picked up.

"What do you want?" I said flatly and he chuckled.

"Well babe, I was just calling to say that I'm here!" he said and I sighed.

"Jeez! Don't sound too excited!" he said sarcastically.

"Wasn't planning on it baby cakes" I said mockingly.

"I guess I really am rubbing off on you then, huh?" he said in a smug tone.

"Well I will be a minute..."I said.

"Tard" I mumbled, but he heard and started laughing.

"Yeah babe, love you too. Love you too." he said sarcastically as I walked out my house and towards his Lamborghini.

I ended the call and got in to his car.

"Let's go" I said and he pulled out of my drive way and onto the quite road.

About half way in to the journey, he pulled in to this diner place and I looked at him with a riased eyebrow.

"I'm hungry" he explained as he got out the car

"And I can't be bothered to make anything at home" he said and I nodded.

We ordered our things and sat down at an empty booth near the window.

"This is a nice place" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah it is. The food is great!" he said as he picked up some more fries.

I chuckled and shook my head at him.

We took about 20 minutes at the diner and it was already seven.

"You do know we need to get to your house, right?" I said.

"Yeah, yeah! Come on then babe, lets go." he said and I clenched my jaw.

"Don't call me 'babe'" I growled and he began to laugh at me.

"" he said with a wink and I hit him lightly.

"I know I'm sexy, but you can't just touch me whenever you want!...especially when it hurts." he said and I scoffed.

"I think you'll find that you keep touching me up...actually" I said and I could see a small blush appear on his face but it soon to a smirk.

"You know it turns you on, 'cuz I'm just too irresistible" he said with a wink.

"Yeah..." I said sarcastically. "In your dreams" I said and he smiled.

"You bet-cha...babe" he said and I rolled my eyes.

We then walked to his car and began driving once again.

We came to a long road with lots of big houses on it. I mean they were HUGE!

They were so pretty! And the detail on looked like they were from a fairy tale.

Christian slowed to a stop in front of the biggest house on the street and turned into the drive way.

We drove up the long winding drive way and he parked his car.

We got out and I stood there with my mouth in the shape of an 'O' and my eyes wide with shock.

Christian saw me and started chuckling to himself. "You look cute like that" he said which made me close my mouth straight away.

I glared at him as he took my wrist and started to drag me towards, what can only be described as a bloody castle!

He pushed me gently through the house and in to the living room.

"Where are your parents?" I asked him.

"Don't worry, they're out of town for a couple of weeks. So we have the place all to ourselves" he said with a wink.

SHIT! I'm alone in a house with a guy who I'm pretty sure has been in every girls pants (in the school, obviously) and he has been hitting on me ever since we met!

"Oh" I replied and he grabbed the remote from the side of me and switched the channel. He is so bad at saving electricity!

He then turned off the TV and turned to me. "We have 40 minutes to do work until I need to watch something" he said and I laughed.

"No we have 40 minutes to work until I have to watch something" I said and he frowned.

"But mine is more important and way cooler than what you want to watch!" he said and I shook my head.

"You don't even know what I want to watch!" I replied and he raised an eyebrow.

"Well what do you want to watch at 8 then?2 he asked and I smiled.

"Monday Night Raw" I replied and his face went from confused to happy...back to confused.

"That's what I was going to watch. And you're a girl! Why do you want to watch wrestling?" he said.

"Because wrestling is bloody amazing! And so at 8 we can watch it here" I said and he nodded.

"You do know it lasts for 3 hours, right?" he said and I nodded.

"Which means you'll be here until 11?" he said and I nodded.

He just smirked and we started to study.

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