Chapter 4. Robin's mistake.

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Around dark I looked outside the tent I was staying in with Mary-Beth and some other girls.

Okay all clear.
Everyone was asleep so this was the perfect time to go out and do my own thing without having somebody trail my ass every second of the day because "they can't trust me".

Sitting up I grabbed my dark brown hat and my satchel. I needed to do this quick and quiet. I crouched down and used my toes to crouch and the fingers of my hands to move myself across the camp and reaching the end. I'm gonna trade my current horse in and with an extra item, I'm gonna buy a nice horse. I got on Beauty and trotted to Valentine. Almost all the stores were closed except three: the hotel, the stables, and the saloon. I walked in the stables on Beauty and the man greeted me and showed me three beautiful horses. One, an Ardennes, stood out. He was gorgeous. A huge build, beautiful dark brown coat with white spots here and there.

"How much for him? I wanna trade in this little girl and also this..." I pulled out a golden pocket watch.

The stable hand's eyes widened.

"Of course!" He said. I smiled and watched as he brought the Ardennes out.

"Think I'll name you... Ace." I said, remembering my old pony's name.

I bought a new saddle and bag with him as well and headed on my way back to camp. It felt so amazing to be riding this huge horse. I stopped at the saloon and shrugged. Might as well. I walked inside and was greeted with drunk men and the smell of alcohol.

Just like home.

I walked to the bartender's table and leaned against the counter.

"Whiskey." I nodded, throwing a coin down. Just like Sadie did, I threw an extra one in there.

He handed me a shot and then shoved something paper in my hand.

"Old drunk fool left it here." He whispered.

I took the shot, feeling the burn in my throat, and then studied the paper. I walked in the corner, away from everybody, and opened it.

It looked like a map of some sort. Like a map where money was. I studied it closer. That's just a few miles down of Valentine!

I nodded my head at the bartender for a quick thank you and speed walked outside. I hopped on Ace and put him in a gallop to the secret location.

Upon reaching it, I looked at the map again.

"Underneath a...rock? What the hell? This feller couldn't draw to save his life." I complained.

Looked like a rock to me, so I started checking every rock. I tripped over a cow skull and complained some more.

"I hate this land!!!" I screeched, not meaning a word of it. Quickly I looked at the map.Then at the skull. Then at the map.

"Robin you dumbass." I huffed and picked the skull up to see four fat money clips under it. I smiled and laughed a bit and counted it.

"Two hundred.. three four five....five hundred... six...." I caught my breath when I reached the final bill.

"800 dollars, ho-lay shieeeet." I jumped on Ace and put him in full speed to go back to the camp. I quicky reached it and saw half of everyone awake.

I cringed, knowing they were gonna be pissed.

I slowly creeped up and would've made it to my tent if it weren't for Lenny.


Everyone looked at me.

"What...." I groaned.

"Where- what are you doin'?" He asks. I glance at the confused faces. Lenny, Karen, John, and another feller was there.

I walked over taking the huge wad of cash out.

"Gettin' this." I said, throwing it on the table. They stared at it for a bit.

"Where'd ya get it?" John asks.

"Have my ways. I have my ways." I smiled.

"So where do I put the money?" I ask.


"The money. Doesn't the camp get it's share?" I ask, wanting an answer.

"Uh yeah, over by Dutch's tent." Lenny answered first, pointing over to a large tent. I thanked him and took the money, splitting it. I get 400 and the camp gets 400, easy as that. I walked around it until I found a small box. Opening it, I placed 400 in and just as I was about to walk away, I bump into somebody.

"Ah...good evening?" I squeak. Dutch towered over me, like I was the worse piece of scum in this camp.

"What're you doing?" He asks.

"I-I donated. Gave my share to the camp, sir." I explained. If he thought I was stealin' he might just shoot me in between my eyes.

Dutch gave me a confused look like why I was scared out of my skin, and went to a small book beside the box. He circled some things and then waved and went in his tent. I gave a huge sigh of relief. Damn scary man.

I walked to my tent when I bumped into somebody else!

"Okay, watch it!" I growled, looking up.

"My, my. Such a feisty one."

I saw a man with a handlebar mustache and beard and a hat, glaring down at me. I moved past him when I felt a tug on my wrist.

"Hey!" I yanked my hand back so hard, when he let go I flew to the ground.

"Oh you ass." I groaned, getting up and rubbing my arm where I landed on it.

"What might your name be?" The man said.

"I dunno." I snapped.

I walked away, hearing him wolf whistle.

Going into my tent, I laid back. I'm so tired of this place!

TYSM for reading guys ILYYSMMMM :)

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