Chapter 26. Jack is missing.

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It feels like... like forever since I've heard that annoying ass Irish accent. I miss it. I miss Sean. Everybody does.
Karen just drinks 24/7 now. Never stopping.

I sit quietly at my tent.

Arthur walks up.

"Hey. You alright?" He asks.

"No... does this always happen? Before I came here? Did you lose people you care about because you're outlaws." I ask.

Arthur seemed a bit taken back by my blunt question. He clears his throat.

"Well, yeah, we lost a few people back in the mountains. But we can't just give up." Arthur explains.

I get up and look at him.

"Yeah... he was just so young." I shrug.

"Yeah I know." Arthur sighs.

I look down and shake my head. Poor kid didn't even get to live his life like he should. Had to get taken down by some asshole Grays.

"Who's fault was this?" I whisper.

"What do ya mean?" Arthur asks.

"If we just stayed outta this family feud..." I sniff.
I feel Arthur's arms around me and I cuddle into his chest.

"Sometimes life doesn't work out how we want it. We just gotta accept it sometimes no matter how much we don't like it." Arthur whispers in my ear.

"You're right, I just... yeah." I give up.

"Can I uh kiss you?" Arthur asks, obviously not sure that this is the time.

"You can." I sniff and chuckle a bit, feeling happy I'm not alone.
I give Arthur a little peck on the lips for a few moments and then pull back.

He lets go of me and rubs his neck.

"We needa' focus and... yeah." Arthur doesn't know what to say.

I nod and take a deep breath. Arthur touches my cheek for a moment.

"Gonna go talk to Dutch." He gently says and walks off.

I smile a bit, still upset.

I've lost people that I've loved like my family. However my family wasn't like this except Mama. Mama would care for me, she loved me. Papa loved me too he just.... after Mama's death he forgot about me almost.

I felt a memory coming back.

He's still alive, I know that. I left home because he had said some real... hurtful things.
Then I got attacked by people. Somebody. Not quite sure.

I wanna figure this out. I need to figure this out.


I see half the men in camp getting on their horses.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Jack's missing. Stay here." Charles answers me.


"Where at?!" I call.

"Braithwaites!" Charles responds, disappearing down the path on his horse along with everyone else.
I rush, well limp, back in camp and find Abigail on the ground near hers and John's tent, sobbing.

I rush beside her, along with Mary-Beth who's already there, and start comforting her.

"Abigail..." I soothe.

"M-my baby! He's gone!" Abigail says frantically.

"Those boys'll get him back. You know they will." I convince her.

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