Chapter 5. Family.

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Living here ain't so rough. Just gotta get used to everyone's sour mood.

I've learned a lot. Like this is survival of the fittest. If you ain't fit to survive and don't train yourself to then you might as well shoot yourself dead. Because out here is about as real as it gets. No excuses if you mess up, no second chances.

It can really harden a person up. Stealin', lyin'. I haven't done any killing yet which I thank God for.

I stare at the ground, sitting on a barrel. So many thoughts were running through my head. This is what I'm becoming. An outlaw. And I'm damn good at it.

Somebody kicked my boot a little to get my attention.

"Yes?" I look up.

I forgot the lady's name but she had red hair, wore fixed up clothes, and had long eyelashes. She looked right pretty.

"Hey there, Robin."

I noticed she has an irish accent.

"Howdy, ma'am." I smile.

"You can call me Molly. I'm normally over there with Dutch. I just came to tell ya that if you need any extra clothes I got them for ya." She said.

"Well.. thank you. I don't wanna be a burden and take all y'all's things." I say sheepishly.

"We're a family. S'what we do." Molly gave me another smile and walked away towards the big tent. A family.

I looked around. I barley knew half of these people but they were my-

"NO!!!" I heard a scream.

I looked around. Nobody seemed to be noticing the scream. Maybe they didn't hear it. Or maybe they just didn't see the damn man tied to a pole with his pants down and Bill threatening to cut his manhood off.

I slowly walk over and lean against a small tree. Arthur stood there, Dutch stood there, Bill had huge weed cutters that looked red hot to the touch.

"The hell are y'all doin'?" I ask.

"He's an O'Driscoll. Just tryna' get some truth out." Dutch chuckled.

I cringed as the 'Driscoll screamed when Bill got closer with the hot hedge clippers.

"So you're gonna turn him into a woman?" I teased.

"Y'know he might be a better woman than you." Arthur mused.

"Oh yeah?" I glanced at the man's terrified face.

"Yeah. He'd listen. Cook. Not take my things." Arthur glared.

"You still angry by that?" I smirked.
Arthur didn't say anything, he just waved me off.

"Bill, I think our friend here needs some things taken care of." He said.

My eyes widened when Bill threatened the tied up man by opening and bringing the cutters up near his area.

I almost stopped it except the poor man already screamed that he'd tell anything.

"Al-alright I-I'll tell... please!" He begged. He seemed so gentle and fragile, it made me feel awful what they were doing to him.

Arthur gave an amused look while Bill sulked he didn't get to cut his balls off.

Dutch got a knife and cut the man loose.

"Pull your britches up and then show us to the camp you were sayin'." Arthur said.

"I-I will. I-I-I swear." The poor man promised, picking his pants up.

"What's your name, bud?" I softly asked the man.

"Kieran." He said. He look terrified for his life.

I glance at Arthur.

"Y'all are mean as hell." I snap.

"He's an O'Driscoll! They murder innocent folk!" Bill pointed out.

"No! I r-ran with them for a small bit, Colm neve-never even knew my name!" Kieran cried out, causing Dutch to glare at him.

"Let's go." Arthur motioned for them to leave. I watch them saddle up and head in the woods, disappearing from sight.
Immediately Dutch grabbed my wrist.

"Are you feeling sympathetic for that scum?" Dutch hissed. His sudden change of act threw me off for a second.

"He's innocent, Dutch! He's helping you. O'Driscoll's sound like assholes but this man is a good one." I beg, his hold on my wrist hurting.

"We'll trust him when he shows he can be trusted." Dutch let go, walking away.

I rubbed my wrist gently. Molly's into some weird shit.

I walk back to my tent and saw a small little boy, playing with a stick.

"Hi!" He said, spotting me.

I waved.

He walked over and sat by me. Friendly little feller.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Robin. What's yours?" I smile.


"Who's your Ma and Pa?" I ask.

"That one and that one." Jack points to Abigail who was sitting by the fire and then to John who was talking to Pearson.

"Really?" I ask, not knowing they were parents.

"Yep!" He smiled.

Jack talked to me about the bugs and a dead lizard he found as well as him love reading books.

"I like books as well." I say.

"Uncle Arthur is gonna get me another book." Jack said.

"Uncle Arthur?" I ask.
Is John and Arthur brothers?

"Yeah, Uncle Dutch said for me to call him that since we're all a family. You're my family!" Jack smiled.

"Guess I am." I chuckled.

This aint so bad.

Tysm for reading and all the lovely comments ❤

You guys are the best and amazing.

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