Chapter 27. Saint Denis.

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The days have been harsh. We had to relocate in some gross ass swamp. Apparently a man by the name Angelo Bronte...(?) has Jack. And Bronte is in Saint Denis. I've heard of Saint Denis only twice, 'cause Mama threatened Pa to take us their for some reason, God knows what.
I was more worried about Jack then anything though and the stress was gettin' to me. I kicked up some mud, watching it fly in the air for a short time before landing in a shallow puddle, fogging it up.

I feel a hand on my shoulder for a split second. Expecting Arthur I turned around but was a bit surprised to see Charles.

"You seem restless."

I grimace at his words.

"Just worried. 'Bout the boy." I lean against a dead tree.

"You look... pale." He turns my face towards him.

"Pale? It's probably just stress." I say looking at him.

He uses his hand to lift my chin up and turn my head left and right.

Charles puts his hand down and crosses his arms.

"Probably. Be safe. We can't afford to lose anybody else." He walks away.

I feel my cheek.

Am I that pale?

Turning around, I see Arthur. Leaning back on a log near the fire...
Journal in his head, writing away. He puts it in his bag and looks at the ground for a moment.

I ease over to him and plop myself down beside him.

"You look deep in thought." I say.

"Last few days've been shit." Arthur rubs his face.

I put my arm around his and lean against him, embracing the warmth of my partner in life... and staring at him.

I guess I was staring for awhile because he chuckles and rubs his neck.

"I'm not that pretty, c'mon now." Arthur gets up, walking to the edges of camp.

I follow him quickly.

"Yes you are." I say.

Arthur shakes his head, obviously amused.

I forget all the troubles we're having and kiss his neck for a few moments.
I hear Arthur let out a sigh of content and I kiss his jawline then position his face to look at me with my hand. I kiss his lips softly.

Arthur snakes his arms around my waist and then pulls back for air.

"Funny." I breath heavily, kissing his ear.


"Normally somebody interrupts us right about now." I say.

"Maybe that's a sign." Arthur whispers in my ear, sending shivers all down my spine.

He's gonna be the death of me yet.

(Hmmm literally)

"You tryna' hint at somethin'?" I giggle.

I feel Arthur's hand go up the back of my shirt. He stops and sighs.

"I..." He thinks about it.

"Arthur, if you keep leading me on like this I'm gonna kill you!" I half joke... but I was half serious as well.
He gets me all ready and all excited and then he can't cause "Dutch" this and "Dutch" that.

Fuck Dutch!
I mean...

That's Molly's job, not mine.

I unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt.

"Tonight I'm having my way with you." I whisper in his ear.

I feel his breath quicken a bit out of excitement I guess. I let go and fix my shirt he had ruffled from reaching back there. Arthur buttons one button up and fixes himself down there not to show. I guess I led him on a bit as well.


Okay I am convinced Dutch is losing his damn mind. I'm tryin' to eat my supper. Food makes me forget about my troubles. That and foreplay with Arthur-

This fah- this bitch says I needa go into town with Micah to "get all information I can". 

"It's to help Jack." I remind myself, closing my eyes.

After I'm done eatin' me and asshat go into Saint Denis.

Walking the streets I can tell I'm gonna absolutely hate this place.

"Everything's so... loud." I say to Micah.

"Hate this shit." Micah agrees.

"Start somewhere. I'll meet ya back at camp." Micah says, eyeing some women walking down the street. Thirsty as fuuu-

"Yeah okay." I roll my eyes.

I put my hands in my pockets and continue to walk down the noisy streets.

"Help the blind!"

Almost jumping out of my skin, I see a homeless blind man asking for money.

I take out a good thirty bucks and hand it to him.

"Get yourself some clothes." I say, smiling.

He grabs my hand.

"Bless you." He says.

(I hate it on rdr2 i cant give how much i want like BIEEETCH i wanna give 1k to these poor people)

I smile even though can't see it and continue on my journey. These people are useless! Half of them don't speak english and some don't even acknowledge my existence. Probably cause I ain't wearin' a dress. Why should I?

I walk backwards for a second, looking at a tallish building before bumping into somebody.

"Oh sorry sir- oh it's you." I see Dutch is the man I bumped into.

"Let's go meet up with Arthur. Where's Micah?" Dutch asks.

"To go have sex." I say honestly. He cringes but we walk down the street and eventually arrive at the saloon just as Arthur is walking in. Instead of greeting him, Dutch takes out a gun and points it at Arthur.

"Hold it right there, cowboy." Dutch says in a gruff voice.

I see Arthur slowly hold his hands up and turn his back to Dutch. I would've knocked Dutch over... if it wasn't a joke.
I could see the mischief gleam in his brown eyes.

Dutch puts his gun away and laughs, patting Arthur on the shoulder.

"You're funny. Real funny." Arthur sneers. He holds the door open for us.

"I'll wait out here." I say.

"Sure?" Arthur asks.

"I'm sure." I say.

Before Arthur enters I say in a low voice, "Don't forget what I said at camp."

Arthur nods.

"Yes ma'am." He winks and goes inside.

I need to stop gettin' distracted by this man's damn good looks.

My fingers went numb typing this.

Fact about Robin:

She used to have the hardest time sleeping because of nightmares.

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