Chapter 5: The Permafrost Hills

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           As the men walk through the frigidly cold snow Hagan begins to worry more and more about what is in here, the Permafrost Bear. It is the second most powerful creatures that have joined the Harriett Children. It is an icy blue with long fur cover its face. Under the fur is two glowing red eyes. With one swipe of its paw it can freeze then shatter you. 

            Hagan looks around to make sure they are not being watched. They have almost made it to take back what is theirs. They almost made it out of the cave before the bear came out and froze one of the men.

             Hagan pulled out his bow an arrow. He aimed and shot at the bear. the bear turned his head quickly and froze the arrow. He picked up Hagan choking him. Hagan pulls out a dagger and stabs the bear. The bear drops him and the other men try to attack him before getting their weapons frozen. 

            Hagan picks up his bow from it dropping when he got pick up. He took aim and shot at the bears head. The bear froze the arrow again while fighting off the men. He threw the men far and went after Hagan. Hagan dropped his bow knowing it will not help him he pulled out his dagger again. 

            The bear was ready and grabbed the dagger freezing it. He pulled Hagan still holding the dagger and threw him into a tree. Hagan sits there hopelessly knowing that he cant win. The bear come towards him and Hagan is barely able to look up with his hair blocking the view. The men run to help Hagan fight the bear, they didn't make it. 

             The bear swiped Hagan's face looking as if he killed him. The bear turns and sees the men, he runs away knowing that he cant defeat all the men. The men rush to Hagan's aid. They do not know if Hagan will live. They lift him up and out of the hills. They find a safe spot and make a camp. They try their best to heal Hagan not knowing if the person that saved them many times before will live on to see the bow one last time. 

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