Pokemon Story 16: Robot Gastly Attacks!

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  Misty, Red and Tracey heard all the commotion that was coming from outside. 'What is that noise?' Misty asked Red as she watched a program on TV. Red opened the window to see... He was surprised... Robot Gastly was terrorizing everyone with Dark Pulse and burning everything with Will-O-Wisp! He widened his eyes in shock as he quickly closed the window. 'That Robot Gastly that attacked us is attacking all the people here now!' he told to Misty. She stood up and turned to Red. Tracey suddenly came into the room. 'I am done drawing...' he joyfully said 'But I hear some noise outside, what's that thing all about?' 'Come with us!' Misty yelled as she and Red ran downstairs. Tracey came with them. The guard of the hotel stopped them. 'A dangerous robot Gastly is terrorizing people outside!' he said 'You cannot go! It may hurt you!' All of them requested a lot but the adamant guard just wouldn't let them go. Finally Misty took out a Gyarados. 'Either you let us go or this Gyarados destroys you...' she said with a smirk. The guard had no option now... He slowly opened the door as he said "You are NOT doing the right thing!" All of them ignored that and went to the road. Robot Gastly was terrorizing EVERYONE! Every person ran away in fear... Some plants were even burning with blue fire just because of Will-O-Wisp. 'STOP!' Red yelled. Robot Gastly turned to them... 'Oh, finally, we meet again!' he said with a laugh 'I had a nice time terrorizing Misty while I was disguised as your real Gastly, Red...' 'You know my name.... HOW?' Misty asked... 'Oh, every robot pokemon knows your name!' Robot Gastly said 'You and Red are the ones who made our master... our creator... our God... JOBLESS! He worked for an organization but now... he is jobless... because of YOU!' 'Show us the way to your master!' Red yelled. 'Hahaha, first... you battle me...' Robot Gastly said... He smirked... Red vs. Robot Gastly was about to begin...  

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