Pokemon Story 24: Ghetsis

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Misty and Red got out of the Pokemon Restaurant... 'Let's go to a Pokemon Garden...' Misty suggested 'There will be peace... and also some cute pokemons we can play with...' Red agreed. They walked and reached the garden after a few moments. 'You meet with the cute pokemons... I am sitting on the bench..' Red said, pointing his finger towards a wooden bench. Misty happily went to the cute pokemons while Red went to the bench. Suddenly, while playing with the cute pokemons, Misty saw something move... a bush moved on it's own... She was surprised... She widened her eyes as she slowly and cautiously went to that bush. The nearer she went the more she heard "Wanted... I am wanted... Wanted... nothing but wanted... Jenny... Police... Ughhh..." She tried to touch the bush but suddenly another hand emerged from the bush and grabbed her hand. She yelled and quickly ran away... Red was confused. He stood up. 'What happened?' he asked. 'A hand emerged from the bush and grabbed me!' Misty yelled. Red saw the bush... He saw an entire person emerge out of it... A person with a mad look... He had his long blonde hair all over his face... He wore a black suit with collars up... He had a metal stick in his hands... 'Because of you...' he spoke 'Because of YOU TWO! AHHHH! I am wanted because of you two!! AHHHH! I have nowhere to go... I, GHETSIS, was once the glorious team leader of Team Plasma which worked under Team Empire but after you two destroyed Empire... all the other teams collapsed too... They put all the other Team Leaders in jail... I was the only one who escaped... And came to my home, Unova... And here I meet you two, the people who ruined my life... Wanted... Hahhahaa, I am wanted everywhere! BECAUSE OF YOU!' Red and Misty widened their eyes.'You escaped!' Misty yelled. 'They took my Reshiram...' Ghetsis continued 'Even my legendary pokemon controlling machine got destroyed... Everything... My everything got destroyed...' Ghetsis grabbed his stick tightly... The stick had a pointy edge. 'This stick will now pierce through you two...' Ghetsis said with a smile...

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